A Worthwile Smile.

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Jisung has a month and half old baby, this much has registered in his head. Through this month and a half he's struggled to adjust to fulfilling her needs as well as his own, and it would be extremely difficult to do both by himself. Luckily, he isn't by himself. He and Minhee have Minho, who seems to be battery-powered and not sleep-powered like everyone else. Jisung feels like he's seen the alpha sleep maybe six hours in total the entire week, and yet, he's still always present and prepared to help.

Maybe it's because of her alpha father's unrelenting determination that overrides his need for sleep, but Minhee just seems to prefer Minho over Jisung. It's a bit disappointing, especially when her first smile, and every subsequent smile after that,  is always directed to the older man. When Jisung is taking care of her, or trying his best to entertain her for even a glance at her sweet smile, she just looks at him with the same blank look. Sometimes, she'll even hit him with a seemingly judgmental side eye if he's being a little too silly in his attempts to get a smile out of her.

He thinks that maybe he's just boring to her since they spend practically every second of the day together. Minho goes to work and when he comes home, he always greets her eager and animated, so she might just find him more exciting because she sees him less. Though to say she likes him more because she sees him less feels silly, since she sees Minho very often. She sees him everyday. He's there to put her to sleep and kiss her goodnight, he changes every diaper he can and bottle feeds her Jisung's pumped milk when she's hungry and he's home. She doesn't have any shortage of her alpha father's love and attention, so her being so eager for it makes Jisung feel- well, he feels unappreciated.

It's ridiculous to expect a baby to be appreciative, and the omega knows this. He doesn't expect her to thank him or anything like that, but it doesn't feel good. When he sees her little face light up when Minho talks to her, he tries to be a good sport. He doesn't take care of his baby for recognition and he doesn't want a gold star. He just wants to feel like his baby knows that he loves her.

It's nights like the one he's experiencing now; where Minhee wakes up screaming her head off with a disaster of a diaper blowout, one so bad that he can't clean it up with wipes so he has to give her a bath at 3AM and wash and change the sheets of her bassinet. He's exhausted and beaten down with feelings of being overwhelmed and resentful. Minho had barely even stirred when Jisung got up to check on their daughter and he knows it's because the alpha is exhausted too, but he still feels angry that he didn't even try. It's like he just expected Jisung to handle it, and it's not fair. Minho wants to be super dad up until it's time for him to actually be helpful!

He's on the brink of tears as he washes Minhee in her baby seat inside of Minho's bathtub. He sighs softly to himself as he tries to hold back from crying in front of her. The pup is sitting quietly, watching her omega father as attentively as she can with her nearsighted baby vision. Jisung sniffles back tears as he pours warm water over her body to rinse the soap from her skin, and he moves his gaze to her face to clean it next.

As if she knew he was looking at her now, a slow sleepy smile spreads onto her mouth as she seems to look directly at him. The gentle smile makes the omega pause and gasp soundlessly as he processes that she'd finally smiled for him, and she's looking directly at him. He wasn't making any funny face or speaking to her in a goofy voice, but she still smiles at him. A small drowsy and dopey grin, that is still somehow unmistakable as anything other than love. It makes the tears Jisung held back fall over his lashes and onto his cheeks. All of the sadness he felt earlier is gone though, and he just cries because he feels an overwhelming amount of love for his precious little pup.

"Hey, you didn't wake me up... Did she poop?" Minho's voice startles the omega as he cries while simply looking at his baby. Jisung sniffles and tries to quickly wipe his tears with his wet hand, but the alpha catches on too quickly. "What's wrong, Sung? Are you crying?" The older man asks hurriedly and comes to stand next to the kneeling omega bathing their daughter.

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