Concerning Cramping.

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Now that Jisung is only weeks away from his due date his omegan instincts have gone into overdrive. It's not like he's whimpering and growling at everyone he sees, but he finds himself being a little bit jumpy, and a lot restless. Leaving to go to work is an arduous task and Jisung is starting to become impatient for his paternity leave to begin.

Being away from Minho has also started to cause him anxiety, and not in the usual way, like when he thinks the alpha is mad at him and being apart makes him worry. Instead, he has the urge to be close to Minho at all times. He's practically moved into the older man's apartment at this point due to his clinginess. His clothes have somehow made their way into Minho's drawers, his toothbrush in his bathroom. He even catches himself keying in the alpha's lock code to his apartment without thinking.

Jisung feels weird about how comfortable he's become, and what's even weirder is, Minho seems to not even care. If anything, it seems like the alpha enables it. Jisung has even spotted Minho folding clothes the younger left at his place and tucking them away in his dresser, in the drawer on the top left where Jisung's things tend to mysteriously end up. The alpha seems to have taken to the younger man being around shockingly easy and Jisung wonders if the clingy hormones go both ways.

Since a lot of Jisung's things are now situated in Minho's apartment, he obviously spends a lot of his time there as well now. As if he didn't spend most of his time with Minho before, the past two weeks he's really only left the older's place for work or to go to the store with him.

Minho is at work a lot and he typically leaves early in the morning, around 4 or 5AM and he returns any time from 3 to 7PM. There's the occasional workday that he will go in later and won't be home until midnight. On those nights, Jisung has a lot of trouble falling asleep and it's not a surprise when he's still awake when Minho gets back.

Minho is working his usual early morning schedule when Jisung wakes up to get ready for work. He distantly remembers the alpha waking up and getting ready before telling him goodbye, but Jisung's been really tired and he sleeps like a rock when he finally gets to sleep so he really can't remember much that happens after.

The omega uses the restroom first thing in the morning since his bladder is the size of a grape now. He's also taken to sitting to pee recently. It's more comfortable for him, and it's not like he can see past his belly anymore anyways so it's simply easier. As he's sitting, he feels a sharp pain in his abdomen that bleeds into a dull throb in his lower back. The pain makes him wince with a deep furrow in his brow and he feels his belly tense under his palm. Then the pain slowly ebbs away. It's slightly more painful than his usual growing pains and much more painful than his Braxton Hicks. The omega thinks briefly that what he felt was a contraction, but he shakes the thought from his head when he remembers he needs to get ready for work.

When he's waddling out of the bathroom and back into Minho's room, Dori runs around his feet with a high-pitched trill. The tabby almost knocks him over running through his legs and Jisung huffs at the cat irritably. Dori just stops to look at him with big eyes and a demanding meow, and the omega can only sigh in defeat at the hands of a 5kg cat.

"Stop yelling at me before I tell your butler to cut your rations" Jisung scolds the cat, but he ultimately squats down to rub the cat's head. Dori leans into Jisung's hand with deep purrs of approval. "You're too spoiled. Now I have to wash my hands again." The omega shakes his head and struggles to slowly lift himself up from his squatting position.

He waddles back into the bathroom to wash his hands again. His hands are covered in soapsuds when he feels the same sharp pain again, the one that starts in his belly and radiates to his back. It makes him pause as he struggles to catch his breath from the sudden attack.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now