The Babysitters.

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Jisung enjoys his job. It's not exactly what he saw himself doing when he decided to get a Fine Arts degree, but it's nice. He works for a small movie studio and entertainment company. They have a team of five people that work their asses off for all things sound. The bulk of the work they do is audio engineering, but Jisung specializes in sound design. He does a lot of audio editing, including things like ambient sounds and sound effects, but he enjoys creating background music the most.

This isn't something he gets to do a lot because he's a sound designer and not a composer. He's usually given music to work with instead of creating his own. He would like to be a producer and songwriter someday though. He wants to create music with actual lyrics and unique rhythms; stuff he feels like he can be proud of. For the time being though, he edits the sounds of birds singing and grasshoppers chirping.

There's other reasons he likes his job so much. He sits at a desk most of the day and can work from home when needed. His supervisors are cool and a company of this size is easy to keep close-knit. The environment is usually easygoing and it's also a bonus that Changbin is one of his four coworkers. They get to goof around when they're bored and still get paid for it, which is awesome. He's the only omega on his team and also the youngest and most recent hire, but his coworkers have always been kind and generally treated him like an equal.

The aforementioned coworkers are kind, but he never said they weren't also annoying at times. He's six months pregnant and just starting his third trimester, and he's very visibly expecting now. His coworkers all insist on being "helpful" ever since he started looking, and smelling, very pregnant. They try to do everything for him, always things he can do for himself, and they give him lots of unsolicited advice.

"What are you eating, Jisung-ah?" One of Jisung's coworkers, Yongsun- an alpha woman that is four years his senior within the company and nine years older than him, comes to speak to him at his desk.

"I'm having some fruit and an egg" he responds to her. His mouth is partially filled with boiled egg so he politely covers his mouth when he answers.

"Ah, you should eat more. I bet that's why you're so small now. My mate was way bigger than you when she was pregnant" she tells him, unprovoked. He doesn't respond for a moment and flicks his eyes around the room briefly. He's just looking around for who asked her for her opinion. (He actually feels quite uncomfortable and doesn't want to make awkward eye contact.)

"Oh... um, okay" he nods once he swallows the egg he'd had in his mouth. "C-can I help with you anything else, sunbae?" The omega awkwardly asks when the alpha woman doesn't leave after his reply.

"No, not really." She shakes her head before leaning against his desk, like she would be hanging around for a while. "I think male omega pups tend to be smaller anyways, right? I wonder if that's why you're still so tiny?" She hums thoughtfully and Jisung glances at Changbin, who'd now removed his headphones to listen to their conversation.

"I don't really think I'm that small..." Jisung trails off awkwardly. He's definitely not as "tiny" as she's acting like he is. He's actually massive now compared to his pre-pregnancy body, and not to add, he can't even see past his belly anymore. All of this because he was having a light snack? Fruit and eggs are both rich in iron and much needed nutrients, things beneficial to both him and his baby.

"You are. You'll probably have a small baby. That's good though, you don't have wide hips." She tells him and he can't help the grimace that works it's way onto his face.

"I don't know. Maybe your mate is just fat and that's why you think I should be bigger now." Jisung speaks before he can really think about how his reply would come out. He doesn't even realize how mean it was until he hears a snort burst past Changbin's lips. The young alpha doesn't hide his laughter well and covers his grin as he tries to act focused on his computer screen. "I, uh-" Jisung starts to sheepishly excuse his comment, but Yongsun is cutting him off.

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