Baking Buddies.

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"Nabi-ya, where are you?" Felix calls out for his toddler who'd seemed to disappear the exact moment he wasn't looking at her. His hands are deep in a mixing bowl and there's flour splattered on his blue apron, even more is dusted up his arms and covering his hands. "Can you go see where she's at please?" The pregnant omega turns to Jisung, who'd been sitting close by with Minhee in his lap watching his friend bake.

"Sure," Jisung nods and stands up to find the toddler. Minhee's dark eyes are still hyper-focused on the brunette omega in the kitchen and she tracks him with them even as her father takes her away with him. "Do you wanna help Bokkie bake, Minhee-ya? Hm?... You're still too small, I'm sorry sweetie." Jisung chats to his daughter as he his hold to rest her head on his shoulder.

Minhee is three months now and rapidly learning to support her own head when held or on her tummy, and she's becoming exceptionally good at following objects in her vision and focusing on them. She's even started to make noises other than little grunts and whines; she's learned to coo for attention or sometimes even let out the first beginnings of what will be her first laugh. In the next few months, she'll probably even figure out crawling. Time goes by so fast.

"Nabi-ya," Jisung calls as he peeks into the living room in search of the busy toddler. He promptly spots her on the couch on her hands and knees, seemingly reaching for the TV remote on the coffee table. Jisung's newly developed dad senses are immediately tingling and he's rushing over to stop her from falling flat on her face.

Maybe his sudden reaction startled her, or maybe it was bound to happen with her tendency of getting into things that come with a fall risk, but she loses her balance. Jisung is there in the knick of time to stop the pup, his free hand barely catches the fabric of her shirt before she can face plant to the ground. Though she doesn't actually hurt herself, she still bursts into tears; probably from the shock of almost falling on her face or being scared by Jisung's reaction.

"What? What happened?" Felix is racing out of the kitchen at the distressed crying of his pup. He's still covered in flour and his hands are sticky with cookie dough. Jisung is pulling her back into the couch by her shirt with a relieved but tense sigh.

"Your daughter just scared the shit out of me. That's what happened. She just almost face planted onto the ground." Jisung explains to his bestfriend and the brunette lets out a sigh of his own as he shakes his head.

"I swear to God. I'm going to have to get her one of those damned child leashes- just to keep her from killing herself when I take my eyes off of her for two seconds." Felix complains before continuing, "I have to wash my hands. I'm going to be right back... please make sure she doesn't jump out of the window while I'm gone" the pregnant omega requests as he hurries into the kitchen to clean the dough from his hands.

"You're okay, Nabs. I've got you." Jisung comforts the toddler as they wait her dad to come back. She's already started to calm down, but is still visibly upset and in need of comfort. Jisung looks at Minhee in his arms and finds the baby looking at Nabi with an almost baffled expression. The incredulous look makes the omega chuckle softly just as Felix comes back.

"Come here, baby" the omega sighs and lifts his daughter up onto his hip. "You were scared it's okay" he reassures her and kisses her cheek sweetly. Nabi wraps her little arms around his neck as far they will go, as he rocks side to side gently.

"Samchon's got your back, I wasn't going to let you fall" Jisung adds with a playful smile to try and cheer up the shaken up toddler. He tickles her belly and the pup cracks a small smile before cuddling into Felix's neck. She rubs her wet face into his neck and scents him as he pats her back. "She's so cute. I can't wait for Minhee-ya to be her age." Jisung coos as he watches Nabi soothe herself with her papa's scent as the pregnant omega scents her back.

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