Roommate Duty Calls.

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Jisung is nearly three months into his pregnancy now, or eleven weeks and some days along. It feels like it's been much longer though. The constant nausea, headaches, and his severe aversion to meat and eggs -also now extended to coffee for some reason, which is just downright unfair- these all make him feel like he's been knocked up for more than a few months.

Jisung honestly spends most of his time at home, or Minho's, and curled up in bed. The nausea and general pain and discomfort of early pregnancy have rendered him mostly out of commission. He's even started needing to call out of work occasionally, because he can't move without his head throbbing or he just feels so sick he's afraid to move. It's inconvenient because he doesn't have many paid sick days, and he's going to have to either start taking unpaid time off or go into work despite how shit he feels. He just feels miserable, in short.

"I finally decide to keep you and you punish me for it? Who does something like that?" Jisung mumurs to his unborn baby even though he knows it can't hear him yet. "We're really not getting off to a good start, Lil' Min" he adds as he strokes his still flat stomach. His eyes are screwed shut and he's got his black-out curtains closed for maximum darkness.

There's a knock on his bedroom door, and Jisung peels open his eyes then announces that he's coming to the door. His head throbs when he sits up. He sits on the edge of the bed for a moment before he has to force his body to stand.

"Um... you look really bad" is the first thing Seungmin says to the omega when he opens his door. Jisung knows he probably looks terrible, because he feels terrible.

"I know." Jisung answers shortly and waits for the beta to explain why he made him get out of bed.

"Alright, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I just took all of the trash out and cleaned the bathroom. I don't mind doing it since I can tell you're not feeling well, but I've been the only one doing it for the past couple of weeks." Seungmin explains and Jisung closes his eyes with a sigh. "... So, can you try to help more with staying on top of the cleaning? I get you don't feel good, but it's been weeks. It's not fair." The beta continues.

"Yeah, I haven't been helping much. I'm sorry, Seungmin-ah" the omega doesn't argue, because he's well aware he's been dropping the ball on most of his responsibilities. "I just... I've been sick a lot" he starts to explain. Seungmin should know about Jisung being pregnant, sooner rather than later. The beta may not want to live with a newborn and they need as much time as possible to figure out how they'll proceed after it's birth.

"I can tell, but like I said, it's been weeks... Are you alright? I'm not trying to pry, it's just concerning that you've been so sick." Seungmin responds and Jisung chews his bottom lip as he nods.

"You're right, and, um, I appreciate the concern and don't feel like you're prying" Jisung replies calmly. He takes a deep breath before continuing, "I... um, I'm pregnant... so, yeah"

"Oh..." A brief look of surprise reads on Seungmin's face before he's nodding. "That's why you've been sick then" the beta states and Jisung nods in response.

"I've been really fucking sick actually. I can't get out of bed sometimes because moving makes me feel like I'm gonna vomit or pass out from the throbbing inside my head. I read that it gets better the more your body adjusts to the hormones, but sometimes it doesn't... I'm really hoping it does" the omega explains.

"That explains a lot" Seungmin nods as his arms come to cross over his chest. "So, are you planning on moving out or...?" The beta asks seriously and Jisung sighs.

"Well, no, not really. I was hoping we could keep living together, atleast until our lease is finished?" Jisung answers the question timidly, and his response comes off more as a question than an actual answer. "Do you want me to move out?" He continues to ask and Seungmin's brows are furrowed in contemplation.

"I wasn't saying that. I'm just not sure how I feel about living with a baby. No offense, of course." Seungmin explains and Jisung is nodding understandingly.

"Yeah, no. I get it. It's a massive change. Does that mean you want to break the lease though? I understand if you do, but it's just gonna be really inconvenient, is all..." the omega asks. They've lived together for nearly five years at this point, and it would be a major inconvenience and equally as major of a stressor to change living arrangements so suddenly. It wouldn't just be financially stressful either, but also emotionally and mentally taxing as well, and Jisung is worried how he'll cope with that much stress.

"I agree. It would be inconvenient" Seungmin responds. "Could we actually put a hold on this conversation? I need time to think about what I'd like to do, and then discuss it more" the beta speaks in a leveled and almost professional manner. Law school has seemingly bled into how Seungmin communicates in his everyday life, and it would usually make Jisung laugh and tease his friend. The conversation seems a little too serious to make fun of the way the beta speaks, however.

"Okay, sure." The omega replies with a nod and Seungmin gives his own affirming nod in return. Jisung awkwardly presses his lips into a line as the conversation dies. The beta then nods again before walking away to his room.

I know this part was insanely short compared to others, but I couldn't find a way to make this part transition to the next within the same chapter without it being crazy long. I'll do a double upload to make up for it :) Thank you for reading!

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now