Rage Cleaning.

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Less than a month away from his due date, Jisung has started to do what Minho's mom told him is referred to as "nesting". It's not the nesting he's heard of- the making of a nest by an omega, but instead it's the overwhelming compulsion to clean. The pregnant omega finds himself wanting to clean everything but, he simultaneously hates cleaning. Anyone that knows him, or simply just asks Seungmin, would know that Jisung has a lazy streak, and occasionally mess blindness.

Jisung doesn't like to be on his feet as they've started to swell more nowadays and his back aches too, both make him very uncomfortable. He feels compelled to tidy up despite his discomfort though, and he starts to clean without fail, just angrily. He'll be annoyed that it's not already done and that he has to do it, but apart of him knows it's only good enough if he's the one that does it.

Seungmin seems to know to avoid Jisung when he starts up, but the rage cleaning and fixing up isn't only limited to their apartment anymore now. The pregnant omega has started to need to clean Minho's place too. There's just so much that needs to be done before their pup could be in the alpha's apartment. The thought alone of everything that needs doing makes Jisung anxious and even more compelled to get started.

"Hyung, you need to change the bulbs in the bathroom. They're not out yet, but they're starting to dim so they're going to go out any day now." Jisung tells Minho when he comes from the older man's bathroom back into his bedroom.

"I'll do it when I get a chance, but it's 1 AM right now and I want to go to bed." Minho tells the omega from his spot in said bed. He's tucked under his comforter watching the omega eye the laundry in his hamper.

"Do you have any bulbs? I can just do it myself" The younger man says irritably and watches as Minho sighs tiredly as he's promptly sitting up. "Is this laundry clean or dirty, by the way?... If it's been sitting here, you'll have to wash it again. I'll do that too, I guess." He complains when the alpha runs his hand down his face with a deep exhale.

"I didn't ask you to do that" Minho responds before sighing, "Can you get back in the bed? You said you were just going to the bathroom before you go to sleep." The alpha is obviously tired but Jisung is stressed.

"There's so much to do though, Minho. How can you be so relaxed about this? Lil' Min is going to be here soon and there's barely enough time to finish all of this. Once she's here it'll be too late because she'll need our un-" the omega starts to rant anxiously and Minho is standing up to walk to the younger.

"Jisung, I understand you want to have things in order for when she gets here, but it's one in the morning. We can't finish everything tonight, especially not with us both having work today." Minho places his hands on the younger man's shoulders as he speaks with a quiet voice. The omega gives him an upset frown but doesn't argue. Minho sighs again, "We can set aside a day when we're both free and I will fix, clean, or replace anything your heart desires, but I need to go to sleep and I can't with you pacing around and not sleeping with me. Please, Sung?" The older seems desperate enough that Jisung actually feels bad, so he nods with an acquiescent sigh.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up, hyung. I think being so close to my due date is making me crazy" Jisung apologizes as Minho guides him back to bed. "I don't know how people can do this multiple times. I feel like a completely different person. I've never cared about stuff like this before." The omega continues in complaint as he gets into bed alongside the older.

"You're okay, baby. You're doing good." Minho tells him as he turns the bedside lamp off and covers himself in the covers. "Come here," he beckons the younger over softly. Jisung wordlessly tucks himself into Minho's chest and the older's arms come to wrap around his body from behind.

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