Meet The Parents.

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"Fuck, hyung" Jisung groans. He's sitting in the passenger seat of Minho's car and they're approaching, what Jisung assumes is, the alpha's parents' house. He'd kept it together for most of the twenty minute drive to Gimpo from Seoul, but when they turn into a residential parking area, he kinda starts to freak out.

"Jisung-ah, relax. They already know you're pregnant. That was the hard part and they've known that for weeks now. They just want to meet you and put a face to the name, that's all." Minho tries to calm down the anxious omega as he pulls into a parking spot.

"Hyung, they literally hate me. Or they're atleast going to if they don't already!" Jisung panics and the older man shakes his head with a relaxed expression.

"They don't know you, and they have no reason to hate you. Seriously, you can relax" he continues to patiently talk the omega down. They're already parked but are sitting in the parking lot while Jisung loses his shit.

"No, hyung. They don't have to know me to hate me. I'm ruining your life! Their only son and I'm ruining his life! Oh God..." Jisung sounds like he's going to pass out, and maybe he will. Atleast then he won't have to meet Minho's parents for a little while longer.

"You're not ruining my life. I think you're overthinking it." Minho sits all the way back into his seat as he waits for Jisung to calm down so they can go upstairs to his parents' place.

"We're not even dating, barely even friends!" Jisung worries and Minho stays quiet at the declaration. "Hyung, they're going to be angry at me because now it'll be hard for you to get a real partner. You know, get mated and stuff... because you have a pup. You might never have a mate because of me." The younger seems to have worked himself up to the brink of tears. Minho seems a little rattled by the younger's rant, but remains generally relaxed at a glance.

"I don't care about any of that, so it doesn't matter if they do." Minho responds quietly, but his words still hold an assurance that Jisung can't match.

"How can you not care about that, hyung? I care!" The omega declares and Minho sighs. He shakes his head with an inkling of frustration bleeding onto his face.

"I'm not getting why you care so much about me "never finding a mate"? Is it because you're still upset about having a baby together? I get that you're not happy with the nature of our relationship, but it just seems... I don't know, weird how upset you are about this?" The alpha confronts Jisung gently but promptly, and the omega finally realizes how big of a fuss he was kicking up about all of this.

"It's not that... I'm just saying, having a baby with someone else might make it hard for you to find a serious partner, and I would understand why your parents might resent me." Jisung calms down a bit and tries to explain himself carefully.

"I don't really care if they resent you for that, and you really shouldn't either. They'll get over it, but, I really doubt they're thinking anything like that." Minho responds and then he's continuing, "Also, isn't one of your bestfriends with someone that's not his baby's father? Doesn't that completely disagree with everything you just said?"

"That's Felix, though. Even though they're mated now- if Hyunjin decided to leave today, Felix could get another partner in a heartbeat. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're like soulmates or something. They're not the norm, just lucky." Jisung reasons, maybe not all that reasonably.

"Hm, okay" Minho replies shortly with a look of apprehension written all over his face. Jisung isn't getting what he's not getting at this point.

"What? Are you upset at me now or something?" The omega sighs, with a hint of barely contained complaint in his tone. Minho just shakes his head with a frown and a raise of his brows.

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