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CW!! There is mention of abortion in this part- at the end, so if that's triggering to you or makes you uncomfortable, please do what you think is best for you.

When Jisung finally gets in to see his long time doctor, it has been basically two weeks or maybe a week and a half since the beginning of his heat. He's been feeling the same as usual, so he's assuming everything is fine internally. Without the help of a doctor, he's come to the conclusion that he'd just had a particularly bad pseudoheat and that everything was otherwise okay. He just wanted to talk to her about it to see if she could do anything to make sure another pseudoheat as intense as the last doesn't occur again any time soon. He can't take anymore time off of work.

"Jisung-ssi, what brings you in? I haven't seen you in a long while" Dr. Lim Haein greets him. He's had the same doctor since he was thirteen because most other doctors make him anxious.

"I know, I honestly keep forgetting to schedule my annual health screening. I've just been all over the place, I guess." He explains sheepishly before continuing onto what actually brought him in. "I wanted to see if my suppressants need to be adjusted or changed? I've been having some... problems lately." Jisung says and she nods in understanding.

"Okay, problems like what?" She prompts him to go on.

"So, I know you said that an occasional pseudoheat is normal, and I've had a couple since I've been on this particular suppressant. Two weeks ago, I had one and it was super intense and painful, and it lasted like 3 or 4 days, which is really inconvenient. It's like I might as well still have actual heats on it because I had to take just as long off of work, and it was just as uncomfortable. I guess I'm just trying to make sure this doesn't become a normal thing." Jisung tells her and she hums with a nod.

"Yes, I completely understand how that can be upsetting... Have you been taking them as directed? Not missing any doses or doubling up frequently? Anything like that?" She inquires and Jisung frowns thoughtfully.

"I miss pills every now and then, but definitely not often and I always take it as soon as I remember, or double up if I have to. It only happens on days when I'm really busy at work and forget." The omega man replies and his doctor nods.

"Alright, that's fine, but you need to try to stay as consistent as possible for it to be the most effective. It's effectiveness drops by about 7% or more every pill you miss. Most likely you've just thrown, what would be your estrus cycle, out of wack and your hormones are imbalanced now. I'm going to order a urinalysis and some blood work. Just to get a look at what your levels are." She explains and Jisung nods in understanding.

Dr. Lim leaves him to get blood samples taken by one of the nurses and give some pee. He's not particularly scared or anxious, because his doctor didn't seem too worried so he felt confident that it really is just a hormonal imbalance. It takes almost twenty minutes for Dr. Lim to return and Jisung's swinging his feet absently as he's using his phone to scroll through TikTok on the exam bed.

When Dr. Lim comes in with an unreadable expression and a clipboard clasped in her hands, he begins to worry. Especially when she pulls a stool over to be on his level preparing for when she apparently gives him some sort of news- he's guessing of the concerning variety. Does he have cancer? Did Minho give him something? Is he dying? His mind races quicker than she can give him the news.

"Jisung-ssi, you're pregnant." She announces to him calmly and holding his eye as she says it. He blinks at her wordlessly, not responding in his disbelief. "We tested your blood and urine, both showed a positive result. The urine test was very light, but in your blood test your beta-hCG was 23. The normal range for a negative result is anything below 5 and yours is almost five times that, so you are definitely pregnant. Based off of your last assumed estrus cycle, you're still very early on in your pregnancy." Jisung just looks at her wordlessly for, admittedly, an alarming amount of time, so much so, that Dr. Lim speaks up again in concern. "I know that this is unexpected, Jisung-ssi, but I will provide you with any resources we have." She places a comforting hand on his shoulder and the subtle contact makes him blink back to reality.

"I-I... Are you sure? Those were my results? I- I think you've got the wrong guy!" The omega man lets out a nervous laugh and Dr. Lim presses her lips into a sympathetic smile. "This doesn't make any sense. I- I feel fine... C-can you test again? I think it might be wrong. I really don't feel sick or anything." Jisung mumbles to himself and to her. He feels panicked, and also like he might throw up. His stomach suddenly is really upset.

"These are your results. I'm sorry that this is difficult for you. I'm sure that this wasn't what you were expecting. You don't feel sick because you are still very early in your pregnancy. I think it's safe to assume that what you thought was a pseudoheat, was a genuine heat." She tells him gently and Jisung can barely hold her eye. Instead his eyes dart around the room in a panic. He shifts uncomfortably, anxiety practically radiating off of him. "How is your relationship with the other parent? Do you feel safe?" Dr. Lim asks and Jisung can't help but huff out a humorless laugh. She thinks he's freaking out because he's in an abusive relationship? He's not even in a relationship. How does he even talk about his relationship with Minho to his doctor?

"It's fine. I'm not afraid of him or anything like that. I just... Yeah, I'm just surprised." Jisung responds with a shake of his head. His mind is reeling and he can't think of what else he's even supposed to say, or what he's supposed to do.

"Yes, I understand. I'll get one of the nurses to bring you some informational pamphlets about what comes next. I'm sure you're at a lost, and that's okay, but do you have any questions for me?" The omega woman asks and Jisung swallows dryly.

"I don't know... just... how? How does this happen? Are you sure it's me? I'm really confused. I thought I was being careful." He sighs, putting his face into one of his hands. His eyes sting with unshed tears the more he thinks about it. All of this feels impossible, impossible for this to have happened, impossible for him to be pregnant, impossible for him to even continue with his daily life like this is not happening.

"I can't tell you exactly why your birth control failed because there are a lot of factors that could've caused it, and it sounds like you were consistent enough in taking it. No birth control is foolproof and there's always a chance that it can fail. Sometimes it only takes once. All I can say for sure is that you ovulated at some point and your body went into heat. I'm sure you know the rest..." She explains and Jisung nods slowly.

In short, she doesn't have any actual answers for him. It's not like knowing how this happened will un-happen it anyways. He's just confused, and scared. Should he call Minho? No, he's not ready for that. He needs some time to process this news on his own and decide what to do next. It's his body after all, and he doesn't want Minho's opinions messing with his thought process.

"If you'd like, you can take an at home pregnancy test in a day or two, and you'll be able to double-check. That may help you process the news. Though, I am very confident in the information I've given you. Good luck, Jisung-ssi." Dr. Lim takes her leave and shortly after an assistant does come and give Jisung some informative pamphlets.

He can't stop staring down at said pamphlets in disbelief as he rides the bus back home to his apartment. The clinic gave him three. One that reads "YOUR HEALTHY PREGNANCY", another that reads "A COMPREHENSIVE PRENATAL TO DO LIST", and the final one that just says "ADOPTION" in big yellow font.

The clinic he goes to doesn't do elective abortions, he knows that. Clinics and hospitals in South Korea don't openly advertise providing abortions because they could be penalized for performing one. He'll be hard pressed to find one near him that offers the procedure.

He's essentially at a loss now. He knows he doesn't want to be pregnant. He also knows he definitely doesn't want a baby. Surprisingly, he's able to hold it together through the bus ride home, but as soon as he's in his room alone and behind a closed door, a sob wrecks through him.

He cries on and off for the rest of the day, and then for the rest of the night. His face is swollen and the skin around his eyes and nose burns from him wiping at the thin skin roughly for the bulk of the night. He's afraid this will be his life for a while now.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now