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Jisung's bump has- as the other expectant parents online call it- popped. He heard Minho's mom ask him if he'd "popped yet" or something along those lines too. He honestly wasn't really sure why they kept saying his bump would "pop". That is until, seemingly overnight, his bump kind of- well, popped out? It went from him looking pretty chubby to a seriously round bump. His belly only really looked like that at the end of the night after he's eaten several meals and snacks. Now though, it's just always poking out and frankly hard to miss. Even in his more loosely fitted clothes, his pup's presence is almost always known.

It's difficult not to be a little obsessed with his new bump. He finds himself constantly touching it, whether that be gently rubbing his hands down it, patting it, or just resting his hands on top of it. It's just so hard to ignore! The novel swell of his belly is a bit surreal and is taking some adjusting to.

"Look at how cute!" A small hand is smoothing Jisung's shirt down over his belly. Another person that seems absolutely infatuated with Jisung's bump is; Felix. When he finally saw his bestfriend's new round belly, it was like his midsection and Felix's hands were magnets. The freckled omega can't seem to keep his hands off of it. He is always touching it when they're together. This includes doting rubs or simply just resting his hand on it while they're sitting down. Felix touches his bump more than Minho, and that's his baby's other dad!

"You tummy touchers need to be stopped" Jisung narrows his eyes at his bestfriend as they walk through a department store together. The two omegas can find almost any reason to spend time with each other, even if it's just shopping for Nabi's spring time attire or sometimes even grocery shopping. They usually go back to Felix's place afterwards and hang out until Jisung gets tired and goes home. With the pregnant omega spending more time with Minho though, it seems they see each other less and resort to running errands together more.

"Does it actually bother you when I touch it? I'm sorry, I just love it. It's so cute" Felix pouts and Jisung chuckles softly.

"No, I'm joking. It's okay if it's you. I just don't feel comfortable with people I'm not used to touching me doing it. Do you know what I mean? If we usually can't even hug without it being weird, I don't want them heavily petting my stomach." Jisung explains. He's following closely behind Felix who is pushing a shopping cart. Nabi is in the front seat. She's looking around the colorful store attentively and her head whips around every few seconds at something new.

"No, I get it. I liked the attention when I was pregnant though. I don't know, I think I was just touch starved or something because I loved when people touched my belly." Felix laughs lightly as he looks down at Nabi, probably recalling when she fit inside of his tummy. The freckled omega presses a kiss to his pup's forehead and this kind of confirms he's feeling a little sentimental.

"It's nice when you do it. I like when Minho-hyung does it too. Everyone else is hit or miss depending on my mood" Jisung responds as he glances at Nabi too. He watches the toddler spit out her pacifier and as quick as lightening, she reaches for Felix's shirt.

"Oh, Nabi. No!" Felix scolds his daughter as she tries to yank his shirt up in the middle of the department store. The omega looks embarrassed as Nabi starts to whine and kick her feet angrily.

"Yuyu!" She demands and Felix attempts to shush her as he glances around at the other patrons.

"What's "yuyu"?" Jisung asks curiously as he watches Felix try to distract his daughter with a little purple shirt with sequins she'd been fascinated by earlier.

"She's saying "uyu (milk)". She's trying to pull my shirt up so she can nurse. It's so embarrassing... I really don't know how she learns this stuff" Felix sighs pitifully as he has to wrestle little fingers from gripping at his sweater. "I'm trying to wean her off of nursing all together now that she's eating exclusively solids, but she really does not want to let go. I'm worried if I just suddenly stop nursing her, she'll get upset at me though." The omega explains. "Nabi-ya, look at the kitties!" He speaks brightly as he points to a display of stuffed kittens. This seems to steal her attention away from stripping Felix for a moment.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now