The Date.

339 17 4

Changbin-hyung (8:46PM): Hey, are you with Minho-hyung?

Han Jisung (8:57PM): No, not right now.
Han Jisung (8:57PM): Why?

Changbin-hyung (9:13PM): I was just wondering if he has a girlfriend?

Jisung is very confused by the question from Changbin. It seems so random and almost nonsensical. Why would Minho have a girlfriend? Jisung certainly would hope he doesn't as it seems Minho spends most of his free time with Jisung, and his girlfriend wouldn't get to spend much time with him at all. They also sleep in the same bed and cuddle in said bed multiple times a week. These are things that aren't very appropriate to do with someone you've had sex with- and subsequently impregnated- if you're in a relationship.

Han Jisung (9:15PM): No?
Han Jisung (9:16PM): Why are you asking? That's so strange

Changbin takes forever to reply to Jisung, which isn't super unusual because he has his daughter this week and gets distracted easily, but it's still annoying. Especially when his question perplexed Jisung so much.

Could Changbin be interested in Minho? There's literally no way, and the thought even makes Jisung laugh a little. Changbin wouldn't try to set Minho up with anyone, right? Not that Jisung would care, but that would be really weird if that was the case.

Changbin-hyung (9:32PM): Oh?
Changbin-hyung (9:32PM): So are you guys still talking and all that?

Han Jisung (9:33PM): Yes. We talk all the time. We kind of have to...

More waiting, and more confusion. What does Changbin mean by "talking and all that"? This is such a peculiar conversation, and Changbin just has to reply so fucking slow!

Han Jisung (9:49PM): Hyung, what are you asking me all this for?

Changbin-hyung (9:53PM): Sorry, I have Nabi this week and I'm trying to get her to bed.

Changbin-hyung (10:02PM): I saw Minho out with a girl and it looked a lot like they were on a date. I just wanted to make sure he's not leading you on or anything like that.

Jisung feels sick to his stomach as he reads Changbin's last message. He doesn't care. He really doesn't care. Minho is free to do whatever he wants. It's none of his business.

Han Jisung (10:08PM): Were you on a date too hyung? ㅎㅎㅎ

Changbin-hyung (10:10PM): Nah =_= I was just out bowling with Channie-hyung
Changbin-hyung (10:10PM): I saw Minho first and wanted to go say hey to him, but Channie-hyung thought it looked like he was on a date. He told me I probably shouldn't since it might be awkward.

Changbin-hyung (10:12PM): I kind of wish I still would've went and talked to him. Just so he knows that I know ㅋㅋㅋ

Changbin-hyung (10:15PM): Him and the girl were getting really close and he was guiding her bowling. Flirting and stuff, you know, so that's why we figured it was a date.
Changbin-hyung (10:15PM): Channie-hyung said I should leave it alone and not say anything since you probably already know, but it doesn't seem like you did... sorry about that

Han Jisung (10:21PM): I hope you enjoyed your date with Chan-hyung ^3^ you two are becoming my favorite couple! ㅎㅎㅎ

Han Jisung (10:23PM): I'm all good though, hyung. Thank you for looking out for me.
Han Jisung (10:23PM): Gonna try to go to sleep now (-.-)Zzz

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