Minho's Babies.

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Maybe Jisung was a little too worked up over taking Minhee home. Sure, he hasn't slept a consecutive three hours in the week he's been out of the hospital and at Minho's place, but he's figuring it out. The omega is still bleeding- which is normal after childbirth, and he's sore even with the pain meds sometimes, but Minho is a lot of help. The alpha handles the bulk of Minhee's diaper changes and he burps her after Jisung feeds her so that the younger can go back to sleep sooner. He's so helpful that Jisung is worried how he'll manage caring for Minhee on his own when Minho has to go back to work. The alpha only gets two weeks of parental leave from his job since he isn't the birthing parent, and if he takes any more time off he'll most likely be unpaid.

The new parents are learning a lot about Minhee as time goes by. Mostly that she will scream like a banshee at any mild discomfort or inconvenience for her. The little lady runs a tight ship, as she has both of her fathers jumping up to attention with so much as a whimper. This is because she, so graciously and mercifully, will allow them a few warning whimpers before she proceeds to scream her head off. If she has a dirty diaper she yells the entire time her diaper is being changed, and then through the entire span of time it takes to get her back into her clothes and cuddled in someone's arms again.

Minhee seems to really prefer being held to anything else. It's difficult to get her to fall asleep if she isn't in Jisung or Minho's arms. She's so adverse to being anywhere but in someone's arms that the alpha has taken to carrying her around in a chest sling throughout the day while Jisung sleeps. Neither of them are getting much sleep, but Minho tries to take care of most of her needs during the day so that the omega can rest and recover in bed.

Both sets of their parents come over throughout the week to help around the apartment and allow for the new parents to focus on Minhee or to regroup without her. Jisung's mama has taken over providing the bulk of their meals; lots of seaweed soup and other premade dishes that will last. The alpha woman also calls everyday that she isn't with them and makes sure Jisung is staying warm, not over-working his body, and forbids him to eat anything spicy. It's reassuring to have his moms' unwavering support, as well as Minho's parents'.

Jisung likes when Minhee's grandparents are around, but Jisung has also grown to appreciate his time with just Minho and their baby girl. It's fascinating, and equally as endearing, to see how Minho has taken to being Minhee's dad. It's completely commonplace to see Minho carrying their daughter around in her sling as he does things around the apartment- and Jisung's starting to suspect that Minhee's not the only one that prefers this. The older seems to be obsessed with their baby and being close to her even after their stay in the hospital ended. Jisung knows the alpha loves their baby immensely, even if he hadn't already caught Minho taking sniffs of the top of her head or kissing her belly when no one's watching.

Minho's love for their baby is in everything he does, and Jisung loves her too, more than he's loved anything. Seeing Minho love her just as much makes his chest feel heavy and tight. The omega thinks it's all of the hormones pumping through him after birth, they're all dropping and fluctuating at alarming rates and he finds himself suddenly weepy or overwhelmed even when nothing's happening. Simply just looking at Minho holding their daughter makes him want to cry sometimes. He finds himself feeling afraid of losing Minho. It's a strange and scary feeling, to allow someone the most important and intimate parts of oneself and just hope that they won't leave despite everything.

Hoping that Minho won't leave now that Jisung has unwillingly given him unlimited access to his heart- and the ability to break it into pieces; it's frightening, and the omega feels helpless to his feelings. He feels helpless even when he curls himself into Minho's side, the alpha placing soft kisses to his temple and cheeks, and he knows that he can't hide from Minho. He can't hide his feelings or commitment to the alpha, even if he tried. Without Jisung's consent or knowledge until it was too late, the omega has laid himself completely bare and vulnerable for Minho to do what he pleases. He can do nothing about it, he can't stop it, he can't swallow his feelings back down when they peek to the surface anymore. All he can do is hope that Minho will someday feel the same; that he won't just always be the omega that happened to have Minho's baby. That someday he could mean as much to Minho as the alpha does to him.

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