Chapter 24: Interview with the Hero

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"Oh, God! Gracie, Travis, Spence, sorry! We didn't mean to throw you away!"

Ivan screams. The twins unfreeze and run to them. Ivan tries to help Gracie up but she ignores him. Colette holds Gracie's back and blue lights shine from her hands. Gracie hides the pain as her wings grow back. Colette runs to Spencer. He tightly holds her hand. Travis stands up and leaves them to meet with the crowd. The people are happy rather than angry and demanding. He saw Stella preparing with a cameraman. Travis looks back at his friends.

"Cooper, stop flirting with your girl. Welcome back Gracie's wings— Crew! Take a look at this."

"At what?"

Gracie says while in pain. She adds. 

"Come on, the impact is still hurting me. I ain't got time to do sightseeing with you."

"Gracie! Just look!"

The four join him in astonishment. They were mesmerized by the people cheering for them. The mass was joyous to see them. Stella is holding a microphone as she calls the five for an interview. They walk to her.

"Kids! Come here! I'm just going to interview you all for CNN. I just finished talking to the remaining members of Supreme."

Fans of them scream in excitement. Travis asks her.

"Doc. What is happening? How long were we gone? Were your memories wiped? Do you still remember who I am?"

"Travis, honey, lower your voice. And you weren't gone. Everything happened in a matter of seconds."

"What? Please explain."

"You know my past why I was fired from Baron— blah, blah."

"Okay, shoot."

"After I got fired, I took up journalism and became a reporter for CNN. My memories, Yves', Mac's, and yours with your friends were not wiped. I think Commander Delaney was also spared. The twins and their miracle did work."

"Yeah. Is that the BBC? And that's Fox News?"

"It sure is. And... We are live!"

Travis got surprised by Stella's sudden change of tone. The four were already scattered in the area. Colette and Ivan were signing autographs. Spencer was taking photos with fans. Gracie was asked to show her wings. They try to look decent even if they are covered in blood. Stella continues and speaks rapidly.

"Hello, Travis Stacy. A lot of people think you're amazing. You've been an online craze for the past few days."

"Oh, hello. Yeah. I sure am."

"The fans think you would be a good leader to lead these four teens. What are your thoughts about that?"

Stella positions the microphone to the weirded-out Travis. She signals to him to keep on going and act professionally. Travis understood and spoke.

"Lead? Oh, like a hero team?"

"Yes, exactly. They would like to debut a new team from Gen Z into the supe business. Making you five an official group that can bring justice under Baron Incorporated."

"Wait, what? Is this legit?"

"Yes! And you're eyed to be the leader. Any ideas of a group name, captain?"

"Me? The leader? That's crazy. Yeah, I mean I'm actually the best candidate. But um..."

"Doc?! Travis!"

Gracie cuts them and presents herself to the filming camera. She calls the three to join in the interview. Stella exclaims.

"Oh, Gracie Woods-Mercado! With twins, Ivan and Colette Yang. We have Spencer Cooper at the back! All of the teenagers nowadays have a crush on you!"

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