Chapter 15: Arisen

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Ivan awakens from unconsciousness. The sun is almost down, he has been out for hours. His ears are ringing and he tries to catch his breath. What happened?! Still lying down, he applied pressure on his stab in the stomach but he was emitting a ton of blood. His legs were both broken. He makes efforts to sit up and scan the area in complete ruins. There were some dead people around the place. Cars crashed and compiled in a stack. He gets a glimpse of Yves on his right. Yves is crucified to the wall by steel spikes. He misses his entire left arm as blood flows subtly. Ivan crawls to him.

"Sir! Can you hear me? It's me, Ivan Yang?"

He pants and waves at him. Yves shows no response. 

"Sir! Sir..."

He sobs knowing it is too late. He continues to crawl and explore the wreckage. He leaves a trail of blood. He spots a tail beneath a stack of rocks.

"What— what is this thing?"

He climbs and sees a dragon. It was laying down and breathes raggedly.


The dragon growls. Ivan squealed and asks the creature. It was long as two double-decker buses.

"Fusion? Is that you? Are you okay? What happened? Where are my friends? Where is Morningstar? Did we win?"

"Oh, darling. You and I are very much alike. We ask too many questions."

"Yeah. I got that also from my baba."

"You are a brilliant young man, Ivan. Keep it up. Your old man must be proud."

"He is, sir."

"Your friends... They're over there."

Ivan takes his loaded gun. Mac, who is a dragon, points his snout to his far right.


Ivan weeps in torment to see the girls. He stands up even if he had a hard time doing so. He kept on tripping over. Gracie is held up to a wall. Ivan tries to bring her down. She is choked by vines, without her wings. It was sliced off her as she bleeds and breathes heavily.


"It's me, Gracie. It's me."

"It's fine. She's alive."

Gracie speaks referring to a girl beside her. Also pinned to the wall. Ivan collapses to the ground and sobs heavily.

"Ivy. Cut the crap. We're still alive, you know?"

Colette utters as the vines strangle her invertedly. Her wrists and fingers are broken. Ivan stands up and cups his sister's face with his hands.

"I'm sorry."

He kept on repeating the words all over again. He tries to pull vines away from the girls. He screams in torment as tears cover his whole face. At the far corner, he saw Travis with a broken torso and Spencer with stabs all over, both lost consciousness. Ivan hesitates about whom to help first. He grabs rocks and hits the vines. He builds a hacksaw made out of hardened water. He slices the vines while he continues to sob. He uses telekinesis to chop both thick vines that were wrapping the girls.

"Sole survivor, huh?" 

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