Chapter 16: The Truth

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Morningstar approaches the depressed Ivan. She walks slowly as blood dripped on her suit. He shakingly replies to her.

"I hate you, Bianca! You are such a sly snake-worm."

"You don't know me, kid. You fail to understand the beauty of my mind 'cause you inferior mutants have pea-sized brains. I do this for the children. The people love me."

"What is your reason? Why are you doing this?"

"Damnit! You don't get it, do you? To save you!"

She raises her voice and bursts like an insane person. Ivan lifts his eyebrows and screams his lungs out.

"I can't believe that is your reason. Now that is just some lazy writing! You are the worst of the worst. All the innocent people you slaughtered. You fooled them saying that you'd save them! Robbed their powers, their dreams, and their potential, just to fulfill your fucked up advocacy! Not all people think like you. I know you think that our lives are bad with powers and abilities. No! It is better! Better! I am so thankful to that alien, or whatever theory you believe in, that gave us these super cool shit! You are not a 'god' to decide who gets to live or die. They are right, you are one psychotic little bit—"

She punches him and knocks him out. His head bumps on the floor. She steps on his face.


Colette yelps in anger. Morningstar looks at her and mutters.

"What should I do with you? You're a tough nut like this curly-haired boy. Your friend beside you already lost her consciousness. So does Clarke at the back. May his soul be at rest."

She mentions Fusion who died as a dragon and Gracie who has already fainted. Colette shivers in pain and tiredness.

"What is your name, dear?"

Colette refuses to answer her and spits blood on her face. Morningstar was furious and summoned numerous thick vines to hold Colette in place. Colette resists even if she knew she would kill her. She prays out loud.

"Help! Baba! Anyone! Please help Ivan!"

"Kid, that's useless. No one can hear you."

"Spencer! Dr. Mustafa! Abyss! Fusion! The yellow girl in the dimension?! The one creepy-ass voice! Help me—"

Colette was pulled into the dimension. She floats in a reflective space of water. Colors in the sky blur her vision. She thinks. I should be in bed by now. I need sleep. She loudly yawns and breathes heavily.


A lady speaks and shakes the whole place with her voice. Colette was surprised but decides to go along.

"Oh, yellow girl!"

The lady faces her and shows her true form. She shifts from a blazing fire to a woman.

"I present myself to you in my form transcendence. Allow me to introduce myself. I am, Primera. I am the co-creator who is all-powerful. I am the god or goddess and the one above all. I have complete reign over all planets and universes."


She sarcastically says. I want to go home. The woman welcomes her.

"This is the Cosmos. An astral plane wherein cosmic beings can conjure on. It is a pleasure to meet you, my daughter."

She warmly smiles and Colette replies in confusion.

"Okay. I did not process anything you said."

Colette scratches her head and shows a weird facial expression. The lady grins and replies to her.

"Let me elaborate. Cosmic beings are embodiments of elements in the universe. Absolute is the galaxy themself. Power is the controller. Then, there are the four cosmic siblings: Psyche takes on various forms as they are the telepathy force. Phenomena allow a phenomenon to alter fate. Eon writes the past, the present, and the future. And Essence is the soul collector."

"Sure. Let's pretend I understood that. Also, let's go back... what do you mean by daughter?"

Colette says. She still was casually floating. Primera giggles and continues.

"On your planet, I have established myself as the mortal, Elvira Stewart. I was partly French and Russian. Born into an unknowing family. Whilst studying in a school where mortals teach human subjects, I met a kind man. Named, Marc Yang. He and I engaged in an earthly romantic relationship. I wedded him. I bore and gave birth to twin demigods. We named the firstborn, Ivan, which meant graciousness and mercy in Russian. We named the second born, Colette, which meant victorious in French. I am the 'alien' the mortals parley about. I have gifted humanity with genetic mutations, my beloved daughter."

She speaks calmly as Colette is left puzzled. Suddenly, Colette's sight turns foggier than earlier. She coughs and breathes heavily. Primera softly strokes her hair and utters.

"Fear me not my child for I am your mother. I want you to embrace your full potential. Seek and destroy."

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