Chapter 6: The Hunt

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Mac finally opens the door and tries to catch his breath. Yves looks at him from head to toe with a vague expression. Mac had a lengthy pause and eventually utters.

"Yves, suit up. She's bloody coming."

"Stay hidden. I will come back for you."

Yves pats Stella's head. He and Mac leave the room. She panics and locks up the room. She hides beneath a table, trying to hear what is going on outside. They hurry away to ask for assistance. They took the elevator and pressed the button to the 50th floor. Yves asks bluntly.

"How did you know she was coming? Where did she come from?"

"Oh. I heard she did a killing spree. I changed my ears to a bat's. Not sure if it was in Shanghai or in Bali. The woman can go wherever she wants with her levitation. It's amazing."

Mac says and slaps his own head. Both are aware of the fact that she is tough to handle. How does a traitor like her die? Mac thought. The lift dings a bell and the doors open. They bump into a brunette wearing formal apparel.

"Commander Delaney. How lucky for us to see you. Where is the Luminescence? I request reinforcements from them at once."

Yves asks the commander of Baron Incorporated. She then ruthlessly answers.

"Hello, Sir Abyss, Sir Fusion. Bliss and Windmill are handling the classified Cloud Island incident. They are too preoccupied to be disturbed. Knowing the severity of the situation."

"Hi, Shirley."

Mac winks at her. Delaney furrows her eyebrows. He asks.

"How about Ninth League? Are they free tomorrow night?"

Mac subtly flirts with her. Suggesting she should go out with him tomorrow night.

"Lead by, Black Wolf. As of now, the team is in negotiations with the Markson Group, a known terrorist party. I highly doubt knowing Doomsayer and his shenanigans... I believe they are not free tomorrow night."

Yves chuckles at Mac as he knew she declined him on a date. Mac frustratedly follows up with a question.

"Sure. Let me guess. How about the rest of Luminescence? Are they out of this world, so busy!"

"Precisely sir. They partnered with NASA to engage in an investigation since Dr. Parker had a vision with Stardust."

She grins at him. Fusion and Abyss glance at each other. She adds.

"Mister Moonshine is assigned in Ohio. Phoenix and Noir have numerous press conferences due to their... scandal."

"Those two should really date."

"Agreed. After this, I might consider the schedule for tomorrow night. Apologies if I cannot send any A-Lister heroes to accompany you. I will send our stationed soldiers to help. Or you two are interested in D-Listers?"

She directly says. Mac blushed and hugs the woman. The commander was flustered by the sudden act. Mac rejoices.

"Love, we are not interested in D-Listers."

Yves scoffs and drags Mac away. They thank her and Malcolm sent flying kisses. Yves hits his head. They run to the ground floor using the elevator with the commander. The two ran to the entrance leaving her.

"Boys! She's upstairs. She just killed— four— nine of our security at the rooftop. She blasted their heads."

Delaney says at the back. Mac turns into a black mamba and crawls on Yves' left leg. Yves summons his Necro Scepter. He teleports to the rooftop to see Bianca covered in blood. Mac climbs on Yves' shoulder. The snake is horrified to see splatters of blood and chunks of body parts everywhere.  

"Oi! I knew you were dodgy. Is it true that you've been helping Rostenkowski in killing mutants? Sampling on their blood to get more power? Is that why you have so many of them? And you're even married to him? Are all our advocacies a lie? And this is quite bonkers— whose blood is that on your suit?"

Mac hisses at her angrily. She shows no reaction. Yves then speaks as his eyes glow pure black.

"So, you never really brought the villains to Cloud Island. That is basically human trafficking. Also, let us talk about your catchphrase. It's hypocrisy. Think about the people and children who look up to you. You really disappoint me, Bianca."

"A lot of questions, Clarke. Since I am such a nice leader, I won't answer your questions."


"Just Drake's. I tend to have favoritisms."

"Fuck you."

Mac exclaims. Bianca continues.

"Now I do bring them in Cloud Island, just blessed with no powers. Having these powers and abilities are chaos for hobos running around the city. And my catchphrase? All I did was protect. We protect our loved ones, right, Drake? A human instinct."

She said in tranquil. She implies a past issue when she mentioned protecting loved ones. She walks near them as her cape was full of blood. He gets annoyed and answers her.

"Do not dare indirectly bring up Stella. I had to divorce her. She is not safe having a husband that has multiple death threats in a day. You hurt your younger sisters. You hurt your father. He is a good man."

"You are complete rubbish! You'll be in jail for what you did to those five innocent kids you wounded. I saw their sad faces. Why can't you obey the law? I feel so betrayed right now! I trusted you like family, darling. Oh wait, you're not worthy of the nickname 'darling'."

Mac adds. He turns back into a human and cocks his gun. He puts on a black fedora to keep it stylish. She looks at Mac with disgust and enunciates.

"Sure, Malcolm. I can warp reality in a blink of an eye. You know what I am capable of. You both know very well. Oh! Just to put it out there, I am the law."

Malcolm and Yves glance at each other, aware of what she is thinking. Fusion pulls the trigger to his gun and Abyss summons his army of shadow monsters. All was deflected by Morningstar as she screamed sonically which made them fall down the building. They scream in midair and Fusion transforms into a grizzly bear. The bear grabs onto a building and whips his lasso to save and catch his gothic teammate. Abyss casts shadow monsters to gently help them come down. She flew away leaving them on the street. Fusion pats Abyss and speaks.

"We can't fight her. She's way out of our league."

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