Chapter 5: The Supreme Supremacy

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Mac takes the lift and presses the button indicating to go up. The doors open and all the people inside hurriedly leave the elevator. He gets to the 70th floor and he puts on his sunglasses. He sprints to the top floor where the heroes have their meeting room. He runs merrily through the wide halls. He kicks the door open to Abyss' quarters.

"Yves! I've been observing for weeks now! This news will make your brain melt and your eyes bulge out!"

He made eccentric hand movements. He stops to see him talking to Stella. He gives an odd stare to Abyss.

"Oh! Am I interrupting something romantic here?"

He teases him with puckering lips. Mac giggles. Yves slightly pushes Stella and she rolls her eyes.

"No. She's selling me fruits."

Yves says weirdly and coldly. Mac told them about his sighting in the mall. He brought a folder he had compiled over the past few months. He laid out proof on the table about Bianca and Hayden's marriage. He presented documents, certificates, and photos. Malcolm adds.

"Hayden Rostenkowski was the former head doctor of Baron Incorporated. I know, don't look at me like that. I didn't recognize him. He allegedly kills supes and illegally takes their powers. He was imprisoned for a few weeks but was mysteriously released. Who released him? Rostenkowski also does not have power nor abilities. Golly, what a turn of events! Now that I look at it, I think she did it."

"Our leader— She is the hope of America. She cannot be married to that himbo."

Yves whispers repeatedly. He does this while questioning Mac.

"You bet she is! Isn't that what I just said, darling?"

Mac hits Yves on his shoulder. Yves makes an effort to process all that information. He stares blankly at the window. He sees a billboard with him, Fusion, and Morningstar. He felt nostalgic.

"Thank you. Malcolm, can you leave us for a moment?"

Stella says to him while shaking. Mac looks at her with pity.

"Certainly. I'll leave you two... alone. I'm taking the loo."

He hugs Yves and rubs his back. Yves did not hug him back but Mac continued to do so. He then reminds Yves.

"Yves, show emotion. It's Stella. You don't have to be so cold."

 He exits the room and shuts the door. Yves then speaks.

"Hey, Ellie."

She hugs him and buries her head in his chest. He cannot speak as he chokes on his own words.

"She's my older sister, Yves! I love her!"

She dries her tears but they kept on coming. She continues.

"She infected papa and Debbie with some incurable illness. I had to quit my job to take care of those two. They're bedridden."


"Now, the real reason why I went here is not to sell you fruits. But to beg you to get me a job here. All this to help my papa and my sister. I'm sorry that I'm using you. It's selfish."

She sobs as she hugs him. Yves was taken aback but eventually gives in to the hug. He plays with her extremely bushy hair and its coils.

"Everything is going to be fine, Ellie. You are not using me. You just have to trust me."

He says to comfort his ex-wife. Stella pushes him and wipes a tear from her freckled brown face. She responds furiously.

"Like how I trusted you a year ago? You forcing me to sign those divorce papers? Putting our four years to waste?"

"Ellie, you know it is not like that. It was just meant to happen."

He sternly says. Stella was about to reply when someone attempts to break open the door to the office. Yves nudges her behind him to protect her.

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