Chapter 23: Vengeance is Forgiveness

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Ivan says as he wails in his sister's arms. She tries to calm him down. Yves gets on his feet and looks at Stella. He mutters. 

"You— Woah. You beheaded your sister. Her head is terrifyingly squirting out a lot of blood."

"I will never forgive her. Never in a hundred lifetimes for what she did to Papa and Debbie. My poor baby sister. Mama became so depressed. She couldn't even eat. Morningstar doesn't only rob powers from supes but she kills them. Windmill called me and said that Cloud Island is a complete ghost town. No one is imprisoned there. She kills people and ruins things for fun. She deserves this fate."

"Thank you, Ellie."

"Sure. Here's your axe, Gracie. And we have to go—"

Stella collapses down and Yves catches her. Gracie takes Defender while cautious of Stella's wellness. Mac panics and helps Stella to lie down on Yves. Stella is conscious and she holds her stomach as she is in intense pain. Travis sways his hands and emits concentrated air.

"Here, doc. I whooshed some rocks and dust away so you could lie down in a clean place."

Ivan rushed to help her soothe the pain. His hands were shaking as he tries to look for the problem.

"Doc, let me just help you out with your pain. Cole, come here! You're better at this."

Colette left Spencer alone and places her hands on Stella's abdomen. Blue lights are coming out of her hands. The siblings crouch down to Yves and Stella's level.

"Wow. Okay, this is some shocking and unexpected news. Dr. Mustafa, there is apparently life in your belly. Like human life. Congratulations? You're pregnant."

"I'm sorry... What!?"

Stella yells and glares at Yves with loathing. He breaks out a fake and worried smile. Colette adds.

"The baby is a month old according to my analysis."

Mac hits his back and gives him an odd stare.

"I knew it. You did rekindle the old fiery romance. I wasn't quite aware you did it a month ago."

"Oh, shut your trap, Malcolm. Now is not the right time for me to listen to your brutally frank opinions."

Yves coldly says as he caresses Stella's head. Mac maniacally giggles. Travis leaves them knowing Colette can handle the situation. He catches up with Gracie. Ivan steps away from the couple while Colette uses her powers to soothe Stella's pain. He approaches the frightened Spencer.

"Hey, bro. You are such an asshole. I hate you so much."

Spencer is startled by Ivan's hastiness. He could see that his friend has a serious facial expression and was not kidding.

"Mate, forgive me. If this is about Cole—"

"Bitch yes, this is about her. We may be fighting all the time but she's still my twin. We were together since day one in the womb. I'm not ready to see her have a... boyfriend."

"She had an ex, right?"

Ivan grabs Spencer's elbow and leads him farther away from the group. He continues.

"Yeah. It's shocking you knew that. We were sixteen and she kept it a secret from me. I don't remember that asshole. All I know is that he was her first heartbreak."

"Michael R. Wallace. That's the arsehole's name. He terribly looks like piss."

"Woah. Woah. How did you know him?!"

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