Chapter 17: Enlightenment

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Colette yelps as she travels back to reality after seconds of oblivion. She gazes upon the sky filled with thunderclouds. Bianca notices and scowls at her.

"You're still alive! I was so thrilled when you lost consciousness."

She tightens the grip of the vines. Colette painfully bleeds out of her eyes. She screams in agony, ceaselessly. This wakes Ivan but he is instantly strangled by Bianca. She lifts him as he gasps for air. His face slightly turns blue and his veins start to pop out. Ivan mumbles.

"You can't hurt me, bitch."

Morningstar looks at him with disgust. Upon seeing this, Colette grows furious. Her hands shake. Then it starts to spark with blue energy. She raises her arm to telekinetically and electrically choke the woman hurting her brother. Colette slightly burns her own skin and eyes as well as the vines wrapped around her due to the immense heat of the blue electricity. Morningstar drops the distressed Ivan by accident.

"Ah! You almost killed me!"

He struggles to speak but still did so since he is mad about her. Colette slides down the wall as her head hits the ground. She turns so she is not inverted anymore. She gets back on her feet. She walks limping and Morningstar attempts to stand up. Colette crumbles the hero with great force. She pushes her body down. It caused the area to shake. Bianca is now buried underground. Colette says under her breath.

"Thanks, yellow girl. Or mom? Dammit, I seriously don't know if she's really my mom."

However, Bianca punches through to escape and glides away from them. Colette hits the ground out of shame as electricity flows throughout the city. The place rumbles as Mac shrinks back to a human. Colette wipes off sweat and blood. Ivan gets back on his feet and tries to help his sister. Morningstar conjures countless swords around her own body. The swords were facing the siblings. She yells.

"I had enough of this!"

The twins were ready for her attack. She commands the swords to move and Ivan releases a strong sound wave from his hands. Her organs were disturbed and misaligned. They protect themselves from the sharp swords using the ethereal energy that Ivan has summoned.

Bianca bleeds out from everywhere. Ivan takes control of her blood and makes it thick and viscous. She collapses to the floor and struggles to breathe. Colette telekinetically pushes her six yards away. Colette's hands experienced tremors due to her broken bones. Bianca hits and breaks establishments due to the pressure. She stops at a wreckage and lies down. Ivan runs to Bianca as fast as a blink of an eye. Colette flies and lands down gracefully.

"Ivy. Can you do the rest? I'm tired as hell."

Colette says and pats her brother's shoulder for reassurance. He answers.

"Okay. I got this. I mean my legs are still broken, sure."

She sits on a nearby rock. Ivan fills the place with a dark aura that tightens the air. Bianca chokes as he walks slowly to her. She whispers painfully.

"What is happening? Why the fuck did you both— why did you have a power boost?"

"Cole, you heard that?"

Ivan smiles out of joy and yells at her. She fails to hear him as she has other things in mind. I want to sleep. Where's Spencer? Is everyone fine? He squawks at her.

"Hey! Baby sister! Are you deaf!?"

"Ivy! You are literally four minutes older than me!"

She cries in anger and comes closer to the two. Ivan smirks and speaks to Bianca.

"Do you really want to know how did we get a power boost?"

Morningstar spits on his face. He gives an odd smile and adds.

"She does want to know. My name is Ivan Yang. I am overprotective of loved ones and I am quite stubborn. I'm somewhat... socially awkward. I have the power of water manipulation or you may know as hydro kinesis or water mimicry. I also have absolute superhuman speed. My sub-power is time and dimensional travel, and elemental control— I haven't done that yet. I'm scared— Anyway, my control over elements allows me to have telekinesis, meta power, matter manipulation, absolute illusion, astral projection, and ethereal manipulation. With this, I can manipulate curses, aura, life drainage, weather, dimensions, nature, blood, sound, air, acid, the earth, space-time, and life creation."

Ivan enthusiastically finishes and Bianca coughs more blood. Colette hits him and madly mutters.

"Hey! Bullshit. You made that all up."

"I swear. I didn't. Do you want to hear yours?"

"Hell yeah."

"This is my twin, Colette Yang. She is often dull and lazy. So, it hinders her from her full potential. She is free-spirited and goes by her own rules. She has the power to manipulate electricity or electro-kinesis. She also has a weaker version of cosmic manipulation. With power over the Cosmos, she can manipulate stars, nebulas, black holes, solar flares, cosmic storms, and meteor showers. I mean, she's the best. Her sub-power is psionic godhood that allows her to have telekinesis, telepathy, telepathic healing, matter manipulation, teleportation, technopathy, foresight, astral projection, absolute illusion, meta power, dream warping, and electromagnetism. Um. That's about it. Nothing much."

Ivan finishes explaining and bragging. Bianca was left speechless and continued to breathe heavily. Colette angrily says.

"How do you know all those things? I haven't even tried the powers and abilities you said I have."

"Did you really think that yellow girl or... wannabe mom, rather, only visited you?"

Ivan answers coolly. Colette widens her eyes as she was appalled. Ivan touches Bianca's head and begins to disintegrate her. Her forehead slowly turns brownish. Before it reaches her eyes, she breaks Ivan's legs with her hands. He shouts in pain.


Colette was alarmed by this. Morningstar flies away to escape and Colette follows her. 

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