Chapter 13: His and Her Perspective

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The five wore belly chains for restraint and were observed. There are ten officers doing rounds around the interrogation room. A lawyer in their defense enters the room. Delaney hits the table with his fist to get the kids' attention. She interrogated Spencer, Travis, Ivan, Gracie, and Colette. They were sitting respectively.

"Thank you for joining us, Attorney Burke."

Shirley calmly says to the man. The lawyer hesitantly greets her back. The commander continues.

"Let us try to recall all the violations or I should say crimes, you children did."

Travis and Colette look at her soullessly. Gracie spits on the table. Spencer fidgets with his fingers while attempting not to make eye contact. Ivan scans the room for escape.

"One, killing a high class criminal and not handing him to us to be held at Cloud Island. Two, eliminating almost all of the CIA troops with a little help from our estranged so-called heroes who are complete traitors, Abyss and Fusion. Three, then all of you go in hiding? Is it not enough? You liked how you disrespected our protector, Morningstar?! What will you do next to make your faces appear on international television!? A COMPLETE DISGRACE TO OUR MOTHERLAND!"

She shouts at them with pure anger. Almost maniacally. The five are  irritated and refused to look at her. She then adds.

"You five are extremely dangerous mutants. You are at a top tier level. That high! Thank goodness that there is a new movement promoting to cancel the existence of supes. Leaving our pride and joy, Morningstar. She's worthy. As a CIA agent working in Baron, I am obliged to control all heroes and their affairs. I believe you five must be locked away, forever. I suddenly felt hate towards supes and their powers. Just this morning, actually. I'm thankful I was born without them. The 'Cancel Supes' movement should make a move and fulfill their mission or else I will."

Gracie looks at her with complete disgust. Colette daydreams of a satisfying way to kill her. Travis was provoked by this. He stands up and blurts out.

"Commander Shirley Delaney, according to your I.D. Can't you see that we are clearly framed? We may be strong supes but we couldn't dare to do those horrible things. I confess we did kill half of your troops, but didn't you notice? We killed them at the same time the mutants are also on a rampage. The so-called 'Super War' is a big alter in reality."

"Shut up, boy."

"I will not shut up. I can't stand you devastating my friends. They are the only good thing in my life. They are innocent and so am I. We were dragged into this. Now, I beg you to let us go. Morningstar will kill us and probably everyone that gets in her way. If she wants it, she will get it."

He was ready to throw hands just to protect his friends. Ivan and Spencer were mesmerized to hear Travis' true feelings. Colette and Gracie look at each other knowing that both was attempting not to cry. Colette read her mind. She found out that Gracie was also previously bullied by Travis. She is one of the numerous victims of him in Ember High. Suddenly, a utility pole crashes outside Baron Inc. Seconds later, she speaks.

"What— What is this...?"

Delaney trembles. She peeks at the window to reveal Morningstar tormenting Abyss, Fusion, and anyone she sees.

"Shit. Now, do you believe us? Kindly, let us go this instant. We need to eat lunch."

Colette pleads sternly.

"No. She is probably doing this for the people! It may be for the better."

The commander quivers. Colette effortlessly breaks away from the handcuffs and chains, leaving them surprised. Blue energy came out of her hands and entered the commander's mind.

"Cole? What did you do to her?"

Ivan asks his sister. Spencer blushes to see her dominance. Travis and Gracie tied up Attorney Burke to a chair.

"She's just immobile. She will see and hear everything that Morningstar's going to do. She was brainwashed by Morningstar— Woah. She is actually on our side. She even hooked up with Fusion. Woah, I did not want to what happened to them in Ibiza in 2018. Okay, there's even a thing between them in Budapest in 2021— "

Colette stops reading Delaney's mind. Travis breaks the door open and Ivan pulls his sister. 

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