Chapter 4: Into the Cosmos

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A dimension with a deafening, shrieking, eerie, and unbreathable atmosphere. The twins scream as they rapidly fall into an endless sea of black with yellow smoke.


Ivan yells at the top of his lungs as he tries to grab his sister. Then, a woman's unsettling voice speaks to them.

"Ivan and Colette. I allow you."

The twins are frightened and are in intense pain. Every second of them being in that dimension inflicts pain. They felt a surge of extreme power. Colette found herself in a sky filled with thunder. The outer space tries to rip the sky apart. Her hands generated an electric spark. The burning electricity wrapped around her body. She screamed as she felt her mind being torn apart. What is this?! Please make this stop. She panicked and pondered.

Ivan was drowning in a vast ocean. The current was as fast as the speed of light which made him unable to breathe. The pressure submerged him at the bottom of the ocean. Is this the way how I die? He thought. The colors in the sky made him dizzy and nauseous. The skies were spinning rapidly and the aura of the place was getting heavy. It was making him unable to breathe.

"Wake up! I am sick when people cannot listen to me."

Travis slaps the twins back into reality. The twins sit in an ambulance with a busy crowd. The three stood and circled them. Spencer asks and breaks the silence.

"Tell me. What happened? Mum's waiting for me in the car. She has completely lost the plot. So please, do tell me."

Colette seemed disoriented. Ivan had a blank expression and did not mind his friend. Spencer sighs and wraps the two with blankets. Travis walks away and gives them space. He lights a cigarette. The winged girl follows him and he lights her cigarette.

"Goldie. You never told me your name."

Travis asks her. She stares at him for a few seconds and speaks.

"Why would I? Are you of any use to me?"

"Probably. Shut up. I'm Travis Stacy."

"Gracie Woods-Mercado. You shut up."

They shake hands. Travis smiles at her and she scoffs. Marc arrives and takes his children. Marc gasps and speaks quickly.

"Oh, no. Are you two hurt? How are you? Does anything hurt? Were you hurt? Did you hit your heads?"

Spencer was left alone. They twins did not utter a single word to their father. He runs to his mum. From afar a raven standing on a roof cawed and flew away. It was nightfall and the streets were buzzing. The raven landed at the Baron Incorporated's front door. The guards tried to drive the bird away. The raven transformed into a man.

"Bloody hell! Not recognizing one of your bosses?"

"Fusion! We beg your pardon."

"It's alright, love. Just do better at your job."

He says and shows off his blond hair with a bob haircut. The man fixed his black suit as he looks posh. He entered the building. The employees tremble at the near sight of him. People are chanting his name outside of the establishment. Fusion turns around to see his fans gush over him.

"Mr. Fusion!"

"Mr. Malcolm Clarke! Can we take a picture?"

A crippled young boy asks him. He bends down and replies.

"Sure, darling. Don't be so formal to me. I'm like your big brother."

Fusion transforms into the crippled boy and captures the photo with him. The crowd cheered and he does a few autographs. A woman asks him to marry her.

"Darling! Meet my mum first and come with me back to England. Stop calling me Fusion and call me Mac."

The woman falls in love with the bubbly hero. He leaves the crowd proudly. He thinks. Damn,am so full of myself.

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