Chapter 10: Road Trip

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Travis drives composedly on the empty road. The grass whooshed outside as if it were out of a movie. Gracie sat beside him leaning on the door. Behind are Ivan, Colette, and Spencer, respectively. The three in the back seat joke at each other. Spencer agrees with Colette.

"Very true! Now I can't see the difference. His hair does look like fusilli."

Colette laughs and rubs her brother's hair. Ivan gets frustrated and pushes her. She ends up on Spencer's shoulder. Ivan yells.


He stops as he feels a striking feeling. Travis looks at them in the rearview mirror. He mumbles.

"Are you dying? Where do you want us to scatter your ashes? Or are you having a heart attack because your sister is finally happy with your best friend? Or you're just absolutely disgusted by the fact that your best friend is a simp for your sister?"

"Haha. Nice one."

Gracie chuckles soullessly like an old man. Travis adds.

"Lovebugs, you can get away from each other's shoulders now. Or else you still want to hang there and cuddle."

"Oh, right."

Colette mutters and moves away from Spencer. He pouts. Ivan finally breathes. He gazes out of the window to see cars close to them.

"Cole? There are multiple cars following us."

Ivan panics to inform his sister. He repeatedly taps her. All simultaneously looked at the back.

"This is bloody knackers! There are— um— twelve cars and five helicopters chasing us?! I bet they are from Baron or the CIA!"

Spencer yells hysterically. He fidgets and moves his body front and back to soothe his panicking. Colette grabs her purse. She takes out an inhaler and shoves it in Spencer's mouth. He looks at her with complete shock.

"I know you have asthma and a bunch of food allergies. Like a really big bunch, it's alarming how much things you're allergic to. Ivan told me. I even purchased EpiPens!"

"You did? Thank you, darling. You melt my heart."

Spencer softly says. They smile at each other.

"Step out of the vehicle or we will shoot."

The megaphone interrupts their sweet moment. It screeches in their eardrums. 


The military started aiming at them. All of them were shouting, chaotically.

"Good thing this car has a sunroof. I'll handle this shit."

Gracie jumps out of the window and stands on the car roof. The remaining four continue to scream. She faces the cars and summons her wings. She turns it into metal. She flies onto the nearest car on her right and detaches her feathers to flat the tires. The soldiers kept on shooting her. She deflects it with her wings and screams.

"A little help here would be nice!"

Travis heard her. He asks the panicking three at the back.

"Hey, eighteen year olds! Drive!"

Spencer hurriedly takes the wheel. Colette sits beside him and Travis leaps out of the sunroof to help Gracie. He emitted raging tornado-like air that whooshed and crashed away a car on his left.

"Lovebug, can you take the wheel?"

Spencer asks Colette as he speeds up his driving. He barely looks at her. She replies in confusion.

"Okay, what?! Did you just call me 'lovebug'?"

"No? Yes? Probably? I'm British?"

"Spence. You goofball, gimme that!"

She giggles and pats his arm to signify him to stand up. Ivan simply thought it was disgusting. She takes over the wheel. Spencer flies away and murmurs.

"One, she called me a goofball. Two, she giggled at my sentence. Three, she rubbed me! Or was it a pat? She even bought EpiPens, back-hugged me in the bicycle, saved me with the inhaler, rested her head on my shoulder, and we held hands. I'm chuffed to bits! Is this heaven? What else will we do next? Get married? I'm so worked up!"

He punched a hole in one of the helicopters leaving it to crash. Colette turned on the radio and played a song.

"Really now? Cole, there are people trying to kill us!"

Ivan asks her in disbelief. She smirks at him.

"What? This is my driving song! Now you drive, Ivy."

He looked worried for his sister while he took the wheel. He shouts.

"Come back here! Hey!"

Colette jumped out hesitantly. She inhales sharply and channels the surge of power she felt from the dimension. This surge is the reason why she gripped her knee tight while they were talking to Stella earlier. Give me strength 'cause I do not know what I am doing. She thought. She stuck her hands together and parted them to figure out her powers. The blue electricity flowed through her fingers, hands, and arms. Shit! This is scorching! She blasts it into one helicopter, and it explodes. She flew upwards to meet with Spencer. I can fly and do that?! She was amazed.

"Ah! Powers now? Okay!"

Travis said as he ran and took the wheel. Ivan sees her sister do an incredible thing. He hops out of the car and started running as he was frightened. He felt the striking feeling he went through earlier. Although, he ran as fast as the wind. What am I doing?! He, as well, channeled power from the dimension. He cast out water in one car. Drowning the soldiers, making them crash. He was amazed as time was paused in his perspective.

"Alright, folks! Hear me out, here's the plan: Wings, curly, and I take down the remaining nine cars. The flying lovers up there, take out the three choppers."

Travis yelled, took out a soldier, and tied him up.

"Now you drive Yves' car or I'll kill you."

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