So I'm not dead...

66 2 10



I uh

I haven't posted in literally 5 ish months

I have no excuse other than demotivation and being busy


I have news

Kind of sad news 😔

I fell out of the outsiders smp fandom a while ago, and lost motivation to write this because I didn't know where I was going with it. I had the beginning and end, but not the middle. It was a huge project that I wasn't ready to take on tbh

Another contributing factor was that i had grown so much in my writing and overall plot skills that I didn't want to continue it because it just wasnt that good to me anymore. I still love the idea, but the way I executed it in the past isn't my favorite. 

And thats why I've decided...

To completely rewrite it :)

Got ya there, didn't i?

I have discovered a style of writing that I like a lot, and want to use. When the new chapters are released, the story will be shorter, easier to understand, more intricate, and more enticing to read, hopefully. If you have seen me on ao3, I'm currently writing a story that is similar to how I want it to be. I've found a way to keep myself motivated and plan things at the same time, and it's working really well!

I will start rewriting when I finish my current story, which is like two thirds done! Thats crazy to me, because if I went with the plan I had for this one, this story would've been like only a quarter done!!

When I rewrite I plan on using some of the newer chapters (ex. free), but not using a lot of the others. I want to make it more Owen focused but bring in other characters more often.

This one will stay up for the sillies, but I will put a disclaimer in the title. 

Thank you to everyone who has read this so far, I appreciate you!! <3


P.s. if you like ninjago you should read Heir of Imperium on ao3 :D

P.p.s. yes I did just plug my own work

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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