APOlogies: Guts

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"What the-" Guts sputtered. A pale-looking girl put her finger to their lips and shushed them.

Not like Guts could speak at this particular moment. One second they had been on the ground, the next there was black, then they were on their feet with two people, a boy and a girl, leading them through a circular thing that had a cave on the other side. Two others stayed behind, and when Guts looked back they were jumping through the portal, too.

The pale girl did a motion with her hands and the portal closed. Then she pulled out this sort of shard of glass, and it started floating in the air, projecting something.

They watched as Owen climbed down the fixed rope and gathered his supplies. He turned all the lights off, and took one last look at Guts body. Again, without an ounce of regret crossing his face, climbed up the rope, plugging the opening well and plunging the room into darkness.

Guts stumbled. The boy and girl standing next to them caught them, and slowly lowered them to the ground in a sitting position.

Suddenly, Guts recognized the face of the boy helping them all too well.

"Apo?" they said, looking at his red eyes. There was something wrong about him though. They didn't have any horns.

"What-happened?" Guts asked cautiously.

"You were just brought back to life by Emmy." the girl with the purple hair said.

"Who the heck is Emmy?" Guts wondered aloud, after seeing the look in Apo's eye as if he knew what they were originally talking about.

The pale girl who had shushed them earlier waved.

Guts waved back, confused.

"Wait, what do you mean brought back to life?" Guts said suddenly, realizing what Purple-hair-girl had just said.

Purple-hair-girl groaned. "I'll explain later."

The pale girl spoke before Guts had a chance to protest.

"I have to go do some sewing. Jay, why don't you get Guts a spirit charm, and Phoebe and Daisy, you can keep an eye on Owen. Apo, you can get Guts all settled in." she said, and Apo looked at her as if saying something with his eyes.

No, please no, they said. Her eyes almost spoke back as if to say, I'm doing this on purpose, suffer.

Then she disappeared into thin air.

Guts jumped. Apo shook his head, and started walking towards a weird contraption held by vines.

He looked back. "You coming?" he asked, climbing aboard.

Guts scrambled up, quickly going over to the thing and stepping on. Apo pulled a lever, and soon, they were ascending to the bridge above. Very slowly.

Apo still hadn't met Guts' eyes once.

When they reached the top, Apo led Guts over to the ship, and across a shaky, magically suspended bridge to the even more magical airship. It was grand, but rickety and creepy in ways indescribable. Apo stopped in the middle. He pointed to a door on one side of the ship.

"That's the library. And the study, and the cells. You can go there yourself in a bit. It's really creepy though, so maybe don't. On your own at least." Apo said, pointing to it. He started toward a hole in the floor, a stairwell. They descended, and Apo started rapidly pointing rooms out.

"This is the washroom," Apo said, pointing to a door. "Here's the bunk room," Apo said, opening another door. Inside, were couches, soft chairs, and bean bags spread out around a fireplace on a fuzzy green carpet. Plants grew from the ceiling and growing from them were glowing, orange berries that lit the room. It gave Guts a warm feeling they hadn't had in a long time. Little alcoves stacked on top of each other were built into the walls. Each one had a bed, and some storage, most of which were empty but some clearly had been slept in. Some were tinier, and some were bigger than others. Kind of luxurious, for a pirate ship, Guts thought to themself.

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