A New Member: Emmy

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Apo had been right. Keldor did save them. Emmy wasn't prepared for that. She had been prepared to comfort Apo when he didn't. When he hurt more people. But that didn't happen.

She could see them, staring at her. Everyone. Waiting for her to say something. She didn't know what to say.

Keldor seemed to be scared of her. Good. She loved the authority, it would make having him on the ship easier. Easier to track. Easier to control.

Emmy finally found her words. "So. You did save Acho. Hm. I'm going to be completely honest, I did not expect you to do that. I expected you to take advantage of our distraction. Which wouldn't've worked."

She stroked Keldor's doll on the head. She could see the fear in his eyes as his hair lifted up.

Apo put his hands on his hips, smiling. "Told you so."

Emmy rolled her eyes.

Keldor's mouth opened and closed again, as if he was afraid to speak.

"Go ahead," Emmy said, curious.

"Why? Why stage it? Someone could've gotten killed!" All these questions poured out of Keldor's mouth rather fast.

"It was Apo's idea. You weren't the only one the voices were bothering. It was happening to all of us deathlings on the ship. We knew it was coming. So we all decided to make a test out of it. Apo would leave his key within arms reach on the day of. It was almost like a bet. I bet that if you were given a way out, you would abandon us. That you would leave. Apo bet you would try to save us. So we agreed. If you left, you would go back to the cell. If you helped us," she turned to Apo, smiling at his excitement. "Then you would be free of the cells. Not free of the ship, but you will no longer be confined to that prison."

Emmy saw Keldor's face lighten.

"Wait, what if he hadn't saved Acho?" A different voice rang out over the ship.

Emmy turned to Kyle, his teal eyes slightly glowing in the dark of the night. "What do you mean by that?"

"What if Owen either didn't save Acho in time, or didn't at all? He could've died," Kyle said, hugging Acho, who was still shaking from the encounter.

"Then I would've intervened. But I knew the arrow would hit at the exact right time. Back to Keldor... you're not out completely. You will not leave this cave unless you have my permission or someone else with a spirit charm is with you. But, other than that, you're... free," Emmy said, the words tasting bittersweet in her mouth.

Keldor was smiling slightly now. It wasn't a sinister smile. It was genuine. Emmy knew it was the first in a while.

Apo pulled on Keldor's arm. "Come on! I want to show you the ship!"

Keldor looked to Emmy for approval. Emmy nodded.

Apo pulled Keldor down into the trapdoor, off to show him around.

Emmy sighed. This was either going to be a big help to the mission, or a big mistake.

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