Prologue: Captain James

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They were gaining on them. He could hear them. The restless, evil howl of monsters in the wind.

The young fireborne they had picked up was heating the engine with all his fire. Alive and dead souls raced around the ship, heeding to orders shouted by a young girl with split black and purple hair, her lilac eyes with black sclerae glowing in the moonlight.

"Captain!" she said, scattering purple sparks everywhere as she teleported to the man's side.

"Yes, Phoebe?" Captain James said, distantly, as if he were brooding on something.

"She's not got a lot of fire, flight, or fight left in her. We can't keep this up for long." Phoebe panted, out of breath.

He was about to protest when he heard a whistling noise. He saw the arrow seconds before it hit the balloon keeping the speeding airship in the air. The arrow shattered into a million pieces. He could see Daisy congratulating herself on the successful charm.

The Captain knew she was right. From experience, he knew charms didn't last long. Especially Daisy's.

Below them people of all ages, species, and gender raced around the ship. Satyrs fixing damage, pixies strengthening ropes. Deathlings returning fire of silver arrows almost as fast as their fate behind them shot onyx ones.

"Papa?" a small voice asked. The Captain whirled around. There stood his two, beautiful granddaughters. One with dark brown hair and light blue eyes, and the other with hair so dark brown, it looked black, and eyes so opaque she looked blind. This was a common misconception. Emily was not blind. Nor was Maya.

The Captain looked back at the battlefield before him. And in that moment, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

Without a second thought, he picked up Emily, and held Maya's hand with his other hand. He gathered up the fireborne, Phoebe, and Daisy, putting them all in the lifeboat(sprinkled with floating powder, made by Daisy).

Phoebe protested, "But Captain! You need us, and-"

She stopped short, as if rethinking what she was saying. It didn't matter. The Captain knew what she was going to say anyway. And we need you.

"You're right. I need you to look after my granddaughters. You're a 205 year old ender dragonborn. You have so much to live for. And so does everyone else in this lifeboat. I, however, am a 126 year old elf. And I'd rather go down fighting. You know that," he said.

Phoebe was about to start defending herself again, but deep down she knew he was right. She was barely 20 in human years. He was 63.

The wind rushed through her hair as she made eye contact with the Captain. And at that moment, he unhooked the lifeboat.

A split second after it had sped away from the airship, a flaming onyx arrow hit the inside of the engine.

And the ship burst into flames.

* * *

16 years later


The demons had all gone to sleep ages ago. The bell clock had almost stricken midnight. Owen had been spying on the orphanage for almost a day now, and he was almost sure it held nothing but ruthless, bloodthirsty demon children, being raised to fight against his army.

Or so he thought.

For inside that orphanage were, in fact, demons and orphaned demon children, but none of them were bloodthirsty at all.

And what Owen was most mistaken about, is that only demons were inhabiting that building.

In fact, it was the home of two orphaned elves who grew up on an airship.

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