Fourth of July: Emmy

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She was frozen. The griever was looking her straight in the eye, slowly walking forward. And the girl couldn't move.

A group of people were running away down a corridor, but stopped at the sight of part of their group still behind. They were watching now, desperately hoping that the girl would make it out alive.

She would.

But Squidney would not.

Another girl with dark skin and hair the color of chocolate was watching from a corner. Her dark brown eyes flashed in the moonlight.

The sound of sparks. A rocket flew into the air. It burst right above her head. More. Blooming like flowers in the night.

"Run! Magic, Run!" she called out to the girl, who was no longer frozen.

The monster started toward her.

But around one of the corners, behind the griever, opaque eyes watched the scene unfold. She had ears almost as wide as her shoulders, pointed at the ends. She was completely invisible. And her name was Emily.

She closed her eyes. A shining teal orb floated towards her hand amongst the shower of fireworks. She caught it in her hands. Emily (who preferred to be called Emmy) heard someone scream, and footsteps ran from her. She sat there for hours, waiting for the watchers to power the griever off. When she was absolutely sure that no one was there anymore, she left her invisible state.

She turned the corner to see a bloody mess. What used to be a beautiful girl was now a pile of bones, flesh, and blood.

"乇尺ん乇乃乇 りノᄃん √のᄊ イのり ム乇キムレレ乇刀乇刀." The words came out of her mouth like whispers of a million voices, like runes of a lost language.

The bones on the floor started reassembling. The flesh repaired itself and skin and tattered clothes returned to their place. And in seconds, the girl was standing there, completely unscathed. However, her eyes were closed, and she wasn't breathing.

Emmy studied the teal orb in her hands for a minute more. Then she looked up at the girl. It floated back into her mouth.

And the girl's eyes flew open.

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