Alliums: Ayngel

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Ayngel was still troubled by the events of that night. It had to have been weeks ago by now, but it was still on her mind. She had tried to soak up every memory she could, to try to make sense of it. To no avail, of course. She would replay the scene in her head, but she only came up with more questions. There was something about the way his face darkened when she mentioned Owen that left her uneasy.

She had thought it was guilt and missing Apo at first, but after she came back, she noticed that Owen didn't look, sound, or act like himself anymore. His shirt was torn and patched in a couple places, and it seemed darker for some reason. He had taken off his backpack, and a faint glimmer in his eyes troubled Ayngel. He sounded much more tired, and he wasn't the soft person Ayngel remembered.

Something was poking at her brain, as if a memory was trying to be triggered every time she thought of him. When she had confronted him about it, ages ago, a day before the event with Apo, things hadn't gone as planned.

Owen had come to her, making small talk before asking about the bonfires that would happen sometimes.

"Magic and I are trying to, you know, keep tabs on everybody's wellness, and we have everyone on that side accounted for," Owen pointed to the other side of the clearing. "But people who live near the forest, not so much, so I'm here to check up on you."

Ayngel had told him she was doing well, and asked him for more wood.

"Okay, we can get you more wood." Owen's eyes drifted towards the forest. "I don't suppose you've seen, like, Rasbi, or Krow, or those people?"

"Actually, for Rasbi, I don't think so. The last time I talked to her was the feast, I think. But Krow, I see quite often. I think it's doing all right as well. It recently moved." Ayngel had said, looking in the direction of its house.

"Yea, I guess I just kind of avoided it, because it can be a bit temperamental. I'm sure it's kind enough, but it used to lash out at people a lot."

"Yea, you are right about that, but, I don't know if you know, but it's gotten better these days! It's more laid back."

"That's good. Right, well, that's everyone, I think."

"Are you leaving now?"

"I might go do the rounds, go see if anyones on the far side. Why? Is there something you need?"

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something, and I was wondering if I could get your input on it."

"Sure." Owen said.

"I think I received a flashback. A memory, of sorts. I've been having a lot lately. And there's one in particular I wanted to talk to you about. It was what looked to be a big, nice, palace of sorts. It looked really nice, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it?" Ayngel asked, hopefully.

Owen scratched his head, thoughtfully. "No, my memories are all of my district, and where I grew up, but I wouldn't recognize anywhere like that you mentioned."

"I understand. I already asked Magic about it, but I don't think she knew anything about it either."

Owen laughed. "Yea, I don't think Magic is a good source of information. Her memory seems to be a bit wobbly."

Owen started walking away.

"Can you be honest with me about something?" Ayngel had asked.

Owen turned back around. "Sure, go ahead."

"I feel like I recognize you, and your face from somewhere."

Something crossed Owens face for a second, and then it returned to whatever normal it was.

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