Rasbie Pie: Owen

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 Apo walked into Owen's alcove one day while he was reading again. They sat down on the bed by Owen, peering over his shoulder at what he was reading.

"Which book is this?" 

Owen looked up and smiled. "It's called That Night and it's about this group of guys who are meddling in dark magic that is too much for them."

"Ooh, I should read that when you're done with it. Anyways, I came to ask, do you want to help me take care of Rasbi?"

"Wait, Rasbi's here?" Owen's gut clenched, "Has she just been avoiding me or-?" He put the book down. Apo glanced at the floor.

"Well, she's in a coma because the griever poison turned out to be a variant of basilisk poison, which is bad..." Owen didn't need to hear the end of Apo's sentence. I caused this, Rasbi's in a coma because of me! His hands went to his head and brushed through his hair.

Apo saw him start to panic, and grabbed Owen's arms. They pulled them away, staring into Owen's eyes. Owen watched them while trying to follow the breathing they demonstrated.

"Do you want to visit her? To... I guess clear your conscience? I read somewhere that people in a coma can hear you in their sleep..." Apo asked again.

Owen gulped. He wanted to, but maybe she would hate him. Would she forgive me? Owen slowly nodded. He had to at least try.

Apo helped him up and they walked to the sickbay. Owen felt the guilt again when he saw Rasbi laying on one of the beds. She looked slightly pale and she had a machine helping her breath. A flower grew out of her arm, and it seemed to be reaching into her body. Her clothes still had holes with dried blood, though the wounds were gone. But other than that, she looked dead. I'm such a horrible person. I did this to her. Apo pulled Owen back into the room and he realized that he had subconsciously tried to leave.

"Is she going to wake up?" Owen's stomach felt like a huge pit. Apo must have seen the worry on his face,

"I- We don't know." Owen saw Apo's gaze fall to the ground.

Owen followed his glance and then forced himself to go over to the bed. He looked down at Rasbi and nearly started crying again. He remembered how trusting and fun she had been, but also what her face, full of hate, looked like. He wondered if he'd ever see either face again. He hoped he would.

Apo was mixing something up in a bowl. Owen sat down in a chair next to her bed.

Apo swore. "Come on!"

"What is it?" Owen asked.

"There's no more spike fruit juice. It's the main ingredient in the mixture, and I would've bet money I refilled it two days ago. I'm gonna go get more, you stay here and wait."

Owen opened his mouth to argue, but Apo had already left the room. He was alone.

He rested his head on his hand, and his arm on his leg, looking forward. Apo's words echoed in his mind. "I read somewhere that people in a coma can hear you in their sleep..."

Owen took a deep breath. "R- Rasbi? Can you hear me?" Owen paused, then realized how silly this was. He laughed at himself weakly. "This is so stupid. She can't respond!"

Owen broke. "Look, Rasbi, I'm sorry. I was so angry, I don't know why I was so mad. I was raised to be a killing machine, I was told that was my purpose my entire life, but I listened. I became a terrible person because of chasing a purpose." Then something sad dawned on him. "When I was 15, I swore to myself that I wouldn't follow in my father's footsteps. He-He abused me, he manipulated me. He hated demons with his entire being, and he would do anything to kill them. He would do terrible things to them, but most of all, he would hurt anyone in his way. He wanted me to be just like him, and he hurt me both physically and mentally when I wasn't. I swore I wouldn't be like him. But here I am, just as terrible as he was." Owen paused to let out a shaky breath. He hoped Apo would come back soon, he felt a panic attack rising.

A tear ran out of his eye, and he wiped it away. "The point is, I'm sorry for being such a terrible person, I'm sorry for killing your sister, I'm sorry for trying to kill you, heck, you might not even wake up-" Owen choked on his words, tears running down his face.

He looked at Rasbi again, mood saddening by the minute. He curled in on himself. He had to stop crying before Apo came in. That would be an awkward thing to walk in on.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something red and glowing appear.

He looked at Rasbi.

Her eyes were open.

Deathling - Outsiders SMPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora