The Aftermath: Spidey

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Spidey couldn't believe it. They were stuck there for a year. So many people died, and the survivors would never be the same.

Spidey would never be the same.

And it was all a stupid gameshow.

The man with the blue hair had interviewed them for a while.

They didn't answer half the questions.

At one point, the man asked them a question. He handed the microphone to Graecie, who handed it to Spidey, who handed it to Acho, who handed it to Krow, who licked the mic, and handed it back to Acho, who handed it back to Spidey, who handed it to Graecie, who handed it to the man. Who looked concerned.

Then the watchers forced the group down another hallway. They took them to a gray room with four beds. There were chains attached to each of them. They put a chain around one of everyone's wrists, and left them there, locking the door tight.

Then they left them in silence.

Graecie covered her face with her hands, and Acho's shoulders started shaking, while he silently sobbed. Krow sat on its bed, emotionless as ever, and Spidey did the same. She stared into the distance, listening to the soft bump of the air conditioning.

Was it just her, or was it getting louder?

She looked up at the air vent, which was above Graecie's bed, and hoped it wouldn't explode, or something like that. Something else was the last thing they needed right now.

Graecie's attention also went to the vent, as the bumping became more obnoxious.

A shadow went over it. Something poked in between the small slits in it, a tubular like thing that was hollow in the middle.

There was a shoof sound, and a dart flew out of it into the camera watching them on the wall. A liquid spread out of it into the camera, almost infecting it in a way.

Then the nails started unscrewing. One by one, they fell on the floor, until the vent swung open, and a figure jumped through the open vent into their room. They landed on Graecie's bed (where Graecie was in fact still sitting, she was practically thrown off the bed by the sudden pressure), and grabbed the end of the bed for support.

They slid off the bed, and started digging in their satchel. They had a long, black cloak on, and had the hood up, which cast a shadow over their face.

"Who-" Graecie struggled to find words. "Who are you?"

The figure turned to her, and removed their hood.

The person was in fact a man, with red-brown hair and a warm smile. He was wearing a white button up long-sleeved shirt. He had black pants, black boots, and a black waistcoat with red buttons on it. He had two piercings on each ear, each sporting some kind of red earring. His cloak, now that Spidey could see him completely, was black with red lining on the inside.

And he had red eyes.

And suddenly Spidey knew where she recognized him.

"Apo!" Graecie cried.

She ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug. He returned it just as much.

She pulled away, and pulled his head towards hers. His expression changed from happy to scared.

Graecie traced her fingers over his head where his horns would've been. Apo winced. Graecie pulled back, and then gave Apo another hug, while whispering, "What did they do to you?"

Apo looked down. "I'll explain later." His head snapped up again. "Do all of you have all your memories back?"

Everyone nodded.

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