An Intresting Introduction: Krow

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That demon. She looked... kind of like Krow. Like a dragonborn. But different in so many ways. Her hair was purple instead of red (and it looked natural, also like Krow's), but the other side of her hair was black, like Krow. Her horns looked the same as its, except again purple instead of red. She had claws almost identical to Krows, and eyes that were similar, too. There were some clear differences though. Her teeth definitely weren't as pointy as its. She was very tall, but the thing that struck Krow as odd was the fact that purple sparks followed her wherever she went.

As soon as Apo was done doing whatever the heck he was doing to Spidey, she and another girl had come out of the trapdoor on the floor of the ship, and instead of seeing if Spidey was okay, they went straight to Apo and started making sure he was okay first. It was an odd choice in Krows opinion, and it was planning to corner Apo to have a "talk" with him as soon as it could.

Then Spidey had been taken somewhere, reunions had happened between the people who were somehow alive, and the woman that strongly resembled Krow had walked over to it eagerly.

"My name's Phoebe. Are you Krow?" she had said, a curious smile on her face.

"Yes... Why does that matter to you?" Krow had asked.

"And you're a dragonborn, right?"

"Yes, but you didn't answer my question."

"It matters to me because I've never seen a demon dragonborn in my life! They all went underground or something into their own little world of praising themselves ages ago, but they were said to be really dangerous whether they were gifted or not. Legends say the dragons took their magic back from the demon dragonborns when they started worshiping themselves, not the dragons. Is that true?" Phoebe had an odd accent. It was like a less formal British accent.

"What kind of demon are you?" Krow asked, confused. She had said the words demon dragonborn like she wasn't one.

"Demon. Ha! You think I'm a demon? I'm not sure whether to be complimented or insulted. My friend, I'm an ender dragonborn," Phoebe said, putting her hand on her hip.

"What's an ender dragonborn? What's an ender? Are there multiple types of dragonborn?"

"There are multiple types, yes. Demon dragonborns are half demon half dragon. Ender dragonborns are half enderman half dragon, with a humanoid shape."

"What's an enderman?"

Phoebe put her hand to her head. "This is going to take awhile. An enderman is a tall, black being from the end dimension. They can teleport, are followed by purple sparks, and get mad if you look them in the eyes. Since I'm half enderman, I can teleport, am followed by sparks, and am vertically blessed. I don't get mad because of eye contact, though I used to. And because of my dragon side, I can do a bit of magic, too," She said all this quite casually. "Anyway, Emmy wanted to see you. I have no idea why, but she did. She wanted to meet you in the study."

"Where's that?" Krow asked, deciding to not question the information just thrown at it.

"Follow me," Phoebe said, starting towards a door. Phoebe let it through a cold, gray library, and into another door. It was another gray room, with a desk and a chair in the middle of it. In the chair was Emmy, the girl who had led them to the ship.

"Hello again, Krow." Emmy sat up in her chair, standing and walking over to a bag on the floor. She reached in to get something.

"Why did you want me here, again?" Krow asked, slightly concerned.

"I was just wondering if you'd like something of yours back," Emmy said, taking out of her bag something wrapped in a bloody towel.

Krow wondered if it was one of its knives. That theory was immediately shattered when Emmy took out its entire severed arm from the bundle of cloth.

"What even... Why do you have this?!" It said, concerned.

"Because I want to help you. I've already said this." She pulled out a needle and thread. The thread was an odd silver color. "I can help you. I just need you to trust me."

Emmy slowly advanced towards Krow. It was going to get up, but Phoebe put a heavy, taloned hand on its shoulder. It closed its eyes and got ready for pain.

A cold, numb feeling spread on its arm. It could feel something sliding in and out of its skin, but it didn't trigger pain for some reason.

When Krow opened its eyes again, its arm was sewed on with silver stitches. It could move the arm again, somehow. There was something dark red and glowing moving between the severed arm and the place where it connected, which might've been the reason.

"See? I only wanted to help you." Emmy said softly. Krow hated that. It didn't like feeling weak. Or being talked to like it was. "Now. I'm guessing Phoebe wants to show you around. I won't stop her. Just come back for dinner." She sat back down in her chair and continued sewing a doll in her hands.

Phoebe led Krow out of the study.

"Jesus christ, day can't get any weirder," It whispered to itself.

Phoebe heard it. "Trust me. Oh yes it can..."

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