The First Strike: Owen

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Apo was terrifying. Owen didn't know what happened, but it just motivated him to kill that thing more.

A girl with purple hair and horns stabbed him in the side with something, and it somewhat restored his strength.

Then she dragged Owen to the deck of the ship, and a girl with a weird mushroom hat walked Apo there too. The one with the purple horns clamped new chains around his wrists, ones that were attached to the large engine by the back of the deck.

He scrambled as far from her as possible.

"What was he doing to me? What kind of monster was he?!" he asked the girl.

She eyed him with an angry expression. Then her gaze landed on her bag. She drew out a book from it, and flipped through the pages. She found what she was looking for, and slid the book towards Owen.

"I hope that answers your question. Or else you won't be able to ask it again very soon. If Emmy goes easy on you." Then, without another word, she turned around and left to join Apo (who was still recovering as well), the other girl, and to Owen's surprise, Guts and Ayngel.

Owen was left with the book. He cautiously peered at the words on the page. She had given him a sort of encyclopedia, where mythical creatures of all kinds were listed, each with short descriptions.

He went up from the bottom of the page, reading descriptions in backwards alphabetical order. Dwarf, Dragon, Demon. One in particular caught his eye. Deathling. He felt like Apo had mentioned it before. He read the description.

Deathling- The result of an ancient resurrection spell channeled on a humanoid target by a ghostly elf. Normally to save the deathling's life. Deathlings are half ghost half mortals who come in many types. Each type has a special ability, and each deathling has a unique deathling form, or their ghost form made of key injuries or moments before death. They are known to have trouble controlling their form/abilities, and are often easy targets to monsters for energy sources. They are known to be extremely manipulatable and loyal to the ghost elf that made them. Often serve on the Phantom. (see also: Ghostly Elf, Ghost)

Owen looked at the words, "made of key injuries or moments before death." That part reminded him too much of the blood covering Apo's body.

"So," A small but terrifying voice echoed behind him, making him jump.

He turned to see the girl, who Apo had called Emmy, standing on the deck above him, where the wheel was.

She jumped down to his level, standing between him and the others.

"It appears my words meant nothing to you," She said, stroking something in her hand. She sighed. "I really thought Apo was right about you. But he wasn't. So now, consider this your first warning. First strike."

She showed the thing in her hands to Owen, smiling smugly.

Owen gasped.

It was a small, homemade, stuffed doll that looked identical to Owen. Except one eye was orange, and the other was completely white. The clothes matched identically, but one side of it was completely burned, as if it had been on fire.

"Wait," Owen said, things finally clicking into place. "Am I a deathling?"

"So you've finally figured it out." Emily said, taking a needle and some thread out of her bag. Owen saw Apo turn his face towards Guts and give them a hug.

"Too late though. How sad."

Then she pierced a needle into the arm of the doll.

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