A/n + sneak peek

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Its been awhile.

I had a couple of summer things going on and didn't have the time or motivation to post x-x

I finally finished the next chapter, and was getting ready to post it...

And then I realized I wanted to change the plot. Or rather, add something else before something happens. 

It doesn't change most of the next chapter, so I'll have that out hopefully within the next week, I just have to rewrite the ending a bit. Thank you for being patient with me <3

Once school starts my friends will be forcing me to write again /pos so I'll have a better posting schedule hopefully lol

For now, have this sneak peek at the next chapter, titled:

Shaela's flowers and greenery: Will


Will had been quite surprised when he followed Apo and Orange to the west side of the city. He had told them to stay away from there, but they seemed to know where they were going. Will knew to keep his head down around here, but Apo and Orange didn't.

Will was wrapped in a brown leather jacket with the hood up, which was hopefully hiding his horns a bit, and hiding him from their brother.

They approached a plant shop, but it had one of those anti-demon signs, so Will hid behind another building until he heard the shop bell ring. They went in anyway. Those idiots!

He quickly walked in behind them, still hiding his horns in the hood. He pretended to be interested in a couple of tulips while he watched his brother from the corner of their eye.

The store cashier had quickly taken notice of the two demons that had entered the shop, and had been fast to make a big fuss.

"You are not permitted to come in here, tieflings." He said, emphasizing the last word.

Will's grip tightened on the seed packet he was inspecting.

Someone rushed out from the door to the back part of the store. "What in the world could be making all of this commotion?!" She yelled angrily.

Will risked a glance at the scene. Apo and Orange stood in front of the counter, their backs turned to Will while the cashier looked on angrily. The woman who had rushed in wore a green shirt, and had long, dark brown hair and green eyes. A name card on her shirt read Shaela.

Apo and Orange both reached for something on their necks, and as they did so Shaela's eyes widened and she started laughing nervously.

She came out from behind the counter, saying, "I am so sorry about that! Here, follow me to the back."

She treated them like they were honored guests. And both Will and the cashier were very confused about it.

Orange and Apo followed Shaela through the door.

The cashier banged his hand on the counter, shaking his head and walking out to restock shelves, mumbling, "I don't get paid enough for this crap..."

That was Will's opportunity. He snuck in the backdoor after his brother, being careful to be quiet. 


I hope you liked it :)

Have a nice day/night!

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