(Not demon) Roc-slayer: Owen

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Maybe it wasn't the best idea to immediately draw the roc's attention to him. Maybe it would've been better to do a surprise attack. That's what he would've done, but then it would've eaten Acho.

It didn't matter. It was paying attention to him now.

He shot a couple more arrows at it, to make sure it was only focusing on him. He saw Acho running to Kyle out of the corner of his eye. Good, he thought, he's safe. The roc started towards Owen, still cawing angrily.

Owen checked one last time to make sure no one was in the way. Then, he struck. He took out the sword he stole for a second time, jumping down and sliding in between the bird's gigantic talons.

One disadvantage Owen had learned demons had in battle was their size. They were slow, and a large target, which made them easier to kill. Except this time, it was a gigantic hawk. Whether that made the situation better or worse, Owen did not know.

He came out behind the roc, and it quickly swiveled around to see him. He didn't let it get a good look at him. He immediately ran around it again and again, until the bird had completely lost track of him. Then he went to strike at the bird's feet. He swung his sword.

The sword hit the foot, but it didn't cut it. The iron on the sword chipped. The bird was unharmed. The roc quickly turned its body to face him, eyeing him angrily. It opened its beak to strike. He shut his eyes, knowing what was coming next.

He heard someone run in front of him. A clash of metal coaxed Owen to open his eyes.

It was Apo. His cutlass was drawn, and he had struck the bird on the beak.

He dragged Owen with him behind the bird, flashing him a mysterious smile.

"Let's take this thing down together, okay?"

Owen (to part of him's dismay) felt a rush of emotion. Apo cared.

The roc swiveled around, trying to find the duo.

"Go for the heart, or underbelly. I'll distract it," Apo said, running in front of the roc, then zigzagging around the ship, narrowly avoiding its sharp beak.

Owen ducked out of sight, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

Apo might've had a sword, but he was severely untrained. His defense was terrible, and if Owen didn't find a place to step in soon, Apo could be dead within minutes.

Owen snuck around to the shadows by the door to the library.

The roc overpowered Apo. It memorized his movements. It knew where he went every time they avoided its beak. He did the same move he had done three times before, and the roc knew where he was. Apo wasn't expecting it.

But Owen was.

Apo was pushed to the ground and pinned by the roc before he could get up.

It screeched a victory cry, as if celebrating finally getting the small demon annoying it.

That was Owen's cue. He drew an arrow, like before.

But this time he knew where to hit.

He let go of the arrow.

The roc let out one final shriek, before collapsing to the floor.

I did it, Owen thought, smiling. The arrow had pierced it right in the chest. Then his smile faded.

He rushed to the roc's lifeless body, trying to roll it over.

Sure enough, under one of the wings, was Apo. But he wasn't moving. He was breathing, sure, but there was a cut on his arm and face where the roc's talons had clamped onto him.

"Apo?!" Owen said, shaking him.

Apo started laughing, and their red eyes opened once again. The tension in Owen's chest eased. "I'm fine, Owen. Geez. I was just chased by a roc for a solid ten minutes. Can't I have a break?"

"No silly," Squidney walked up to the duo, offering her hand to Apo. "You're on the Phantom."

Squidney helped Apo up, patting him on the head. Then she whispered something to Apo. He smirked at whatever it was, and pushed her away playfully. To Owen, it sounded like, "All most fun." Almost done, maybe? With what?

Daisy, Mohwee, and Oeca dragged the roc's lifeless body off the side of the ship. Owen saw black tentacles emerge from the black, shimmering lake, grasp the body and pull it to the bottom. They acted like a giant bird attacked them every day.

"Enjoy, Jennifer!" Oeca shouted. Owen couldn't tell if it was jokingly or literally.

Apo turned to Owen and held out his hand. "I'd like my pin back."

Owen reached into his pocket, then realized something. Apo couldn't have known he used the pin, unless... Owen stared at Apo in shock. "You knew? You knew this whole time? Why?"

Apo didn't answer. They looked at him with a sly smile.

"People could've been killed!"

Oeca popped up behind Owen, grabbing his shoulders and scaring Owen. "That's what we call an Emmy test."

"An Emmy test?" Owen said, confused.

"To be honest, I was expecting less from you." An all too familiar voice echoed in Owen's mind and across the ship. It bounced around the dark cave, and right as she spoke, whispers once again filled his ears.

Owen turned around wildly, trying to find the girl before she found him.

She was standing on the top deck at the back of the ship. Her skirt was flowing in the wind, and the moon looked like it shone through her.

And she was holding the doll again.

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