The Forgotten Fork: Apo

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Chicken noodle soup, and a blueberry muffin. That was Owen's dinner. Apo was balancing it on one hand while he navigated through the library. He opened the door to the cells, surprised as it eased open without Apo having to take out his needle to unlock it. Emmy must've visited him and forgotten to shut the door, Apo reassured himself.

He walked down the long hallway towards Owen's cell, slowly coming to a stop in front of it.

He dropped the plate. It broke with a sickening crack. The sound echoed off the walls as the soup poured all over the floor.

Apo's breathing quickened. He anxiously looked all over the cell room, scanning it, making sure he wasn't being watched.

Then he raced out of the hallway.

Because in it, there was not a man named Owen. There was, however, an open cell door, with a bent fork jammed in the lock system.

As Apo ran, thoughts started swirling around in his mind again. How could I've been so stupid? He used me again. He found himself finally coming to a stop on the deck of the ship.

You aren't going to find him by running around like an idiot. You're only going to get in more trouble with Emmy. Part of him remembered Emmy's warnings to Owen, but he shooed them away and tried to feel something.


After a little bit, he could faintly sense orange energy going off the ship via the bridge.

So he gathered his courage, and raced after the trail.

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