Fire Drill: Apo

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Emmy and Apo appeared in the cell hallway. Apo hadn't gained the guts to come to this part of the ship for a long time, maybe only a couple days before had he found his courage and fully explored the library. Which included the cells, of course.

It was a gloomy place. A long hallway, two stories, with cells lining the walls. Inside each cell was a cot, some blankets. Some had remains of prisoners never released. Metal chains were attached to a link in the ground, closed and waiting for their next inhabitant

Which, in the case of one of the lower cells, was about to be a very angry war criminal.

Apo could see gleaming orange reflecting off of Em's necklace. It does that when it's holding a soul.

Emmy had already prepared a cell. The door was open and the chains were unlocked expectantly. Everything was ready. Except his body. Which, at this point, was ashes floating around in orange lava.

Apo looked at Emmy, realizing the flaw in their plan.

Emmy didn't even acknowledge him. She turned toward the door, and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, black ashes flew through the doorway, slowly somehow unburning, forming a familiar face once again.

Owen's lifeless body fell to the floor.

Emmy pointed towards the open cell, and Apo took the command. He dragged Owen's body into the cell, and snapped the cuffs around Owen's wrists and ankles.

Emmy took a deep breath. Apo could sense her frustration at the situation. Then she looked at Apo, and smiled. "I can't believe I'm saving the man I spent nine years hunting down."

Apo laughed. He looked at her sheepishly. "Thank you for doing this."

Emmy nodded. And then the ancient words once again sprang from her mouth.

Apo backed away from the cell, which in a moment, would hold a very confused and very ticked Owen. He closed the door, and braced himself for whatever would come.

As Emmy chanted, Apo could see Owen's deathling form in all its glory. One side of him looked completely fine, but the right was on fire, his right eye completely white. Apo guessed it wouldn't be seeing anything any time soon. His other eye was an unsettling glowing orange. His clothes were torn in several places and slightly burnt in others, while on the burning side they miraculously didn't burn.

Kind of like evil Jay, Apo thought. Jay, Squidney, Oeca, and Mohwee (because Em liked to torture Jay for some reason) were on a mission to kill a basilisk in the southwest part of the kingdom. And quite frankly, Apo kind of missed the chaos they brought.

Apo watched as the orange color was sucked from Emmy's necklace, into a orb floating in her hands, and with a flick of her wrist, into Owen's mouth.

Owen woke suddenly, gasping for air and falling on his knees. He took a minute to steady himself, and then looked up at Apo and Emmy with wild eyes.

"What-Who are you? Why am I here? What happened?" Owen hit them with questions faster than they could answer.

Owen's eyes trailed across Emmy's figure, then moved to Apo's. His eyes narrowed. "You," he spoke, voice deep and threatening. "How did you survive? I saw you. I killed you. You were dead."

Emmy stepped between them. "He is alive because of the same person you are alive because of. Me. As for your other questions, I am Emily. The current captain of the Phantom, only remaining ghostly elf, commander of life and death. You are here because this one," Emmy pointed at Apo, "convinced me to save you. If it was completely my choice, your ashes would be burning in lava right now. Know I don't enjoy the fact you are alive. Know I also gave you many chances. I'm willing to give you three more, this time warning you that you have them. Each time you hurt someone on this ship, emotionally or physically, or if you even try, a chance will go away."

"The first chance, I'll give you a warning. I'll do something, I haven't decided yet. Then I'll have you try again. Same with the second. The third time, I get to watch you die. Somehow. I can't think of anything yet. I might slowly burn your doll, watching as you fade away. Just like Maya did. Until you can finally realize the damage you did."

Apo saw Emmy's eyes go glassy. He would've noticed the change in her voice and emotions if he wasn't so shaken by what Emmy had threatened to do.

Emmy recollected herself. "Apo will give you your meals. Three times a day most likely, twice if it's me or someone else. Treat him with respect. You will call him Apo if you wish to address him. If you don't, he doesn't even have to tell me. I'll know whether either of you wants me to or not. I have things to do, and you have things to catch up on. Don't screw up." She gave Owen one final glare before disappearing into her ghost form, probably floating off somewhere to mope about her situation.

Owen slowly took in his surroundings. The chains on his wrists, the cot (which was a sad excuse for a bed), the cell, and the cell block, until finally his eyes landed on Apo.

His eyes trailed to the floor. "What are you going to do to me?" The tone of Owen's voice somewhat confused Apo. It seemed like Owen was trying to keep his voice threatening, but Apo could sense something off about it. Concern? Fear?

"I won't hurt you," Apo said, trying to reassure him. "But... Emmy will. If you try to escape. Or kill someone."

Owen's eyes lowered to the ground.

Apo watched him realize his fate."But, you know, you wouldn't be in any danger if you stayed down here. Or, you could get out, if you prove to Emmy you can, ya know, be good?"

Owen's eyes narrowed. "I am being 'good'. I am cleansing the earth of filth like you, demon. Or I would be, if some ghost witch wasn't holding me captive. As soon as I'm free, which won't take long, you and your witch friend are dead. Along with all the other demons and whatever other monsters are on this ship as well."

Apo wanted to cry. Correction, he wanted to cry, punch Owen, disappear, rewind time, and retort with something cocky all at the same time. But part of him saw it coming. There he is. The war criminal I remember.

Anger bloomed inside Apo's chest. He stood up. "Well, I don't think Squidney would like that very much."

And without any further explanation, Apo stormed out of the cell hall.

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