Exploring: Hannah

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For context, Hannah is around the age of 5-6.

A little human girl raced through the woods, clutching a small, dog stuffed animal, and waving it in the air as if it were running along with her. She laughed and giggled as she ran through the wilderness with her imaginary pet.

She paused her play when she heard a sound. It was the sound of waves, licking at a rocky shore. She followed the sound.

When she broke through the trees, it appeared as if she had found herself by the ocean. A run down dock stood in the water, with fishing equipment still sitting there, abandoned.

The little girl remembered this place from about a year ago, when she had stumbled upon it exploring with her parents.

"Look, its the beach!" she had shouted eagerly.

But her parents were quick to pull her back, looking at the burnt down village behind it, scared of what it held.

Her parents had forbidden her to go here. They said there were demons here. But, as far as she could see, there wasn't a demon in sight.

She scampered over to the beach. Hannah had always loved the water. The way it sparkled and shone, the way it would lap at her feet playfully, the way the fish darted away from her as she chased them.

She hopped onto the dock, being careful not to break the rotting wood, and set her stuffed animal down. Then she sat on the cold wood, and dipped her toes in the water. She splashed around, and watched the fish swim around in the moonlight.


It was getting late. Her parents would expect her home soon. Then they'd come looking for her, and then they'd find her here and not let her go outside again for another week.

In Hannah's eyes, it was very weird how her parents could not let her go to such an amazing place. It was unfair, when there was never really anything that could harm her here in the first place.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the rather large shadow in the water coming up to meet her.

Hannah was jolted out of her mind when she heard a large splash to her right. She whirled her head around to the sound, and what she saw made her gasp.

A horse was emerging from the water onto the sand, shaking itself dry and pawing at the ground.

It wasn't like any other horse Hannah had ever seen. It was tall, and gray. Its mane was a darker gray, and it was littered with kelp. It had a shiny bridle, with a large, green jewel embedded in it. Its hooves had weird fins on the back, and kelp was strewn across its body.

Then the horse and Hannah made eye contact. Its eyes were a seafoam green, and they shone in the night. And they were almost waving to her, beckoning her to come over. They were playful, and full of adventure..

And then the horse bowed to Hannah.

She felt like royalty, having such a majestic creature bow to her. Maybe she was the queen of the ocean.

Then she realized that the horse wanted her to get on its back. She obeyed eagerly.

Hannah climbed up onto the creature (with some help from a rock) and petted its neck. It was soft unlike anything she had ever felt. It was dry as if it had never been in the water in the first place.

Hannah smiled and giggled, elated. Then the horse straightened up, and turned to face her.

Hannah and the horse made eye contact again. But this time its eyes weren't as beckoning and friendly as they were when she first saw it. These eyes were bloodthirsty, as if to be laughing coldly at her.

Hannah blinked, and tilted her head to the side, her smile fading a bit.

And suddenly Hannah could no longer move her arms from the horse's neck. It was like they had glued themselves to the horse. So had the rest of her body.

And then the horse jumped in the water.

Hannah gasped, frightened, but that allowed water to flow down her throat, pooling itself in her lungs.

The horse was no longer attached to her.

Hannah twisted around frantically, trying to push herself to the top of the water. I know how to swim. Why can't I swim?!

Then she realized why. The horse was now on top of her, pushing her down deeper into the water with its front hooves.

Hannah's eyes were wild and confused as she tried her best to hold her breath, but it wasn't working.

Then she heard another splash.

She saw a person! They were here to save her!

She was happy until another thought shook her to her core.

The person....

Had glowing, red eyes.......

Hannah's body had had enough and forced her into unconsciousness as she felt the horse's hooves release from her stomach.


Ha yall are gonna hate me for this cliffhanger

Did you get attached to Hannah before I sent a mythical creature to wreak havoc upon her innocence 

Also do any of you know what mythical creatures the horse is?

I'll give you a hint, its Scottish 

I'm tired so goodnight/day

See you in the next one, where we find out if Hannah's "savior" really lives up to the title...

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