Dark Maze: Mohwee

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Oeca was gone.

Mohwee knew.

No one else knew he knew, of course, but he knew.

He was walking to the maze to slip past Owen again when he heard it. Graecie was crying and Owen was looking confused.

"Oeca is dead," she had sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

Oeca is dead.

Oeca is dead.

His little brother was dead.

First Squidney, then Oeca.

This world really hated him.

Maybe this was the world's way of getting back at Mohwee.

Mohwee didn't remember his feet taking him away. He didn't remember ending up at Oeca's house.

Oeca's old house.

He didn't remember walking in, but Mohwee did remember his ears ringing. He did remember semi-silently sobbing on the floor for at least an hour.

After that he simply didn't speak. Not to his voices, not to himself, and especially not to other people. He didn't see anyone for months, until they went to Sector 3 together.

He never asked how Oeca died. Something in Mohwee told him he didn't want him to know.

And then Graecie almost drowned, and would probably be taken soon too, based on Mohwee's current luck streak.

After that the dark maze opened.

One thing led to another, and here he was. Cowering in a corridor, waiting for a griever who was puppy-guarding the door to move so they could all escape. The sun was slowly setting outside the doors, and if they didn't make it out soon, they were dead meat.

Everyone was brainstorming ways of getting it to move. Owen was trying to shoot arrows in that direction, but none of them made a loud enough sound to get its attention.

Mohwee took a deep breath. Leaning against one of the walls, back turned to the quiet conversation, he had a clear view of the griever. It looked terrifying, and...

Hungry. It was hungry. Not a normal hunger, but almost a thirst for blood. Mohwee knew exactly what it wanted.

And he knew what he had to do.

Mohwee turned towards the group of people once more. He pushed the potion into Soup's hands, and said, "Take care of everyone for me," before running towards the griever and into a hallway behind it.

He could hear the people shouting his name behind him, but he didn't care. He had saved them, they could go home. Their voices got fainter and fainter.

But what he could hear was the scritch-scratch of the griever's crab-like legs behind him. The griever was gaining on him.

He was going to die.

That fact was scarier than it ought to be, and Mohwee couldn't lie. He was very afraid. But, with the things he'd been remembering, he couldn't help but think it was quite deserved and a long time coming.

The griever let out a roar-turned-hiss as Mohwee rounded a corner, pushing his body to the limit. The griever was getting closer and closer.

I'm going to die.

Something stabbed his ankle all the way through. Mohwee screamed as he fell.

He was picked up, dangling by his impaled ankle and brought to meet the eyes of the griever. The griever almost seemed to cherish his pain for a second, before it flung him into a wall headfirst.

The pain from the blow never came. Mohwee thought it would at least hurt a bit more than that, but he wasn't complaining.

It took a few questionable dripping and crunching noises and another griever growl for Mohwee to determine he was still in the maze, he just... couldn't see for some reason.

Mohwee tried to turn around only to find he no longer had a body. It took a lot of energy to turn around, but once he figured it out, he could see through a glass-like window. The window was warped and foggy for some reason, but he could still see the griever finish shredding his body to bits and spitting the bones out on the ground in a pile.

Mohwee winced. At least he wasn't there to feel that.

Then there were a couple minutes of silence and darkness.

"So what now?" Mohwee asked the shadows. "Do you take me to hell or something?"

There was a light, creepy giggle in response.

Mohwee waited a couple more seconds again before yelling, "HELLO?"

He got a sharp shush that time. "We have to wait. We can't move now, they'll see." It was a whispery feminine voice.

Mohwee was about to ask more questions, but decided against it.

Mohwee waited for what seemed like hours before the window's point of view went down from the wall to the floor, near the mess that used to be Mohwee's body. The sight of himself all torn up and unrecognizable made Mohwee want to throw up.

A pale hand reached into Mohwee's view, almost like he was watching a movie from someone else's eyes. The hand waved a bit, and the girl spoke again.

"乇尺ん乇乃乇 りノᄃん √のᄊ イのり ム乇キムレレ乇刀乇刀." It was a language Mohwee had never heard before, and it didn't sound like any language he'd ever heard of. It reminded him of parseltongue from Harry Potter.

Mohwee's skull was floating.

Okay, that's not normal. At all, Mohwee thought.

Other bones began floating, and so did some of the blood and insides on the ground. From somewhere in the maze, more bloodied parts of Mohwee's body floated through the air towards the other ones.

Then they started reassembling themselves.

The bones all collected together first, then blood and organs stitched themselves together and attached to the bones. Skin and clothes also repaired themselves until Mohwee's body was floating there unharmed.

Mohwee started floating out of the window against his will. He didn't really try to stop it, but something in him knew he couldn't even if he tried. Mohwee was floating towards his body again, which was still floating in the air, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. He floated in through his mouth and...

Mohwee dropped to the floor, back in his body. He scrambled to his feet, head whirling around wildly. When he looked at the place the girl would've been, she wasn't there. In her place was a glowing circle.

Mohwee cautiously stepped towards it. When he looked at it a certain angle, he could almost see...


There was laughter coming from the other side as well. "...e's...o...sed" a voice said, still laughing. The voice sounded like Oeca.

Mohwee reached out towards the glowing circle, putting his hand through it. The atmosphere was slightly warmer on the other side, and it didn't seem unsafe.

Something slowly touched his hand. Mohwee jumped. The thing then took Mohwee's hand and intertwined their fingers. It was a human hand. And it felt all too familiar.

Mohwee didn't even think before stepping through the portal.


I did mohwee angst :0

I had another motivation rush but its not a bad thing :) 

The next chapter will probably take awhile to get out, im sorry I'm just really busy rn

I hope you enjoyed! Have a wonderful day/night!


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