Backstabber: Emmy

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A girl skipped down a cave tunnel, away from a big cavern. Behind her was a huge opening in the cave, where a hollow in the wall dropped a raging waterfall into a lake below, where magical plants grew around it. Gigantic lily pads that could hold an elephant, hissing cattail, and funky multicolored flowers that changed colors every second flourished all along the glorious looking shore, while glow berries hung from the ceiling. A cliff overlooked the lake, where the bridge was attached and the tunnel came out at. Multiple caves dotted the walls. There was also a huge opening in the roof, showing the wonderful blue sky. Or, it would normally be blue. Today it was more of a sad gray.

And floating in midair above the lake, was a massive floating airship. It had a huge off-white balloon tied down by several ropes. There were wings on the side and a propeller on the back. And on the side, it read, Phantom .

The girl skipping down the passage was in fact our friend, Emmy. The one who saved Squidney, Oeca, and Mohwee from their fates.

Don't worry yourself, they were alright. In fact, Squidney was attempting to hunt down Oeca and Mohwee right at that moment. A certain jackalope was helping her, while a fireborne watched with his popcorn. 

While all this chaos was certainly helping Emmy's crew forget about the accident in the moment, it didn't help the lasting grief. She could see they were still mourning. Still adapting.

Unbeknownst to any of the people behind her, she was about to add another person to their crew. One none of them had seen in ages.

And their name,

Was Apo.

* * *

Apo rounded the corner. Dang it, dang it, dang it!

Why hadn't he run on 10?

He knew the answer. He just didn't want to face it. Because I still care.

He didn't really have the time to think about that right now. They jumped over a wall, and rounded another corner. There it was! The clearing! He checked behind him again, and...

Owen wasn't behind them.

That knowledge gave him a split second sinking feeling, like he somehow knew he was too late.

Then there was the sound of something cutting the air behind them, and then something flew through his chest, sending him onto the ground. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt blossomed in his stomach, while he gasped for breath on his knees. They couldn't get a breath to stay in their lungs (probably because they didn't exactly exist anymore) and he could feel a warm, red liquid flowing up their throat and out of his mouth.

They looked up. A bloodied spear was impaled in the ground beside him. Oh. That went through me.

Such an observation was obvious, even without the spear there, but their head was spinning and his ears were ringing.

He felt something start to slip from him. It felt like his vision, himself, his life was being gently tugged away from their body.

Their eyes widened and a light blinded them. Suddenly, he wasn't in the maze anymore. He was on his feet, looking at his friends. Graecie, Rasbi, Red, Owen. They were standing in front of an open field. No walls. No maze.

Owen turned to him. "We did it, Apo!" he said.

Apo gave into the pain. He collapsed onto the ground, blood running out of his mouth. He turned onto his back, tears running out of his ruby eyes.

"We... did... it..." he said, softly.

And with that a red orb flew out of his mouth.

* * *

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