Monsters: Graecie

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Apo's eyes were glowing again. But they weren't the soft, curious glow that Graecie had seen earlier. This glow was hypnotizing, as if meeting them too long would cause her to fall into a trance. Just making eye contact with him made Graecie dizzy and tired.

Suddenly, Spidey floated off the ground, struggling as if bound by invisible forces.

Apo reached his hand out to her, his arm glowing red like it did with the portal.

The fire on the torches started flickering violently, and wind started blowing. Graecie could've sworn she heard it whispering in her ear.

Suddenly, Spidey's eyes started turning slightly greenish-blue, along with the veins in her arms. And when it did, Graecie saw blood start pouring out of a new wound in Apo's stomach, and down from his head. Red horns that strikingly resembled his old ones also floated above his head, glowing, somehow not casting a shadow.

Apo turned his hand, and then the pretty color teal started being sucked from Spidey's eyes and hand, and taken in through his.

She dropped to the ground, finally free of Apo's stare and gasping for breath. Graecie ran to her, turning her over. She found Spidey's eyes glowing the same color of red Apo's were, except hers looked so much more tired and weak.

She looked up at Apo, who was slowly floating down from his place in the air, fear swirling around in her insides. She started to doubt it was even Apo.

Then three things happened at the same time.

Krow, Kyle, and Soup raised their weapons in a defensive position, ready to attack Apo. A girl with purple hair and horns (who reminded Graecie an awful lot of Krow) burst through the trapdoor to the lower ship, talking with someone else. And a horn blew as a much smaller version of the airship flew through the hole in the top of the cavern, driving absolutely crazy and finally coming to a stop beside the main ship, where several people leapt off it, one of them looking very ticked.

The girls who came out of the trapdoor rushed to Apo, and one of the people who got off the smaller ship rushed to Graecie and Spidey. Graecie recognized them almost immediately.

Brown-black hair. Brown eyes.

Teal jacket.




Tysm for reading!

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