Everything's Alright

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The usual chatter and laughter of the students filled the hallways as many were discussing about the party this weekend Haruto was throwing.

Humming a tune to himself, Jeonghyeon took out the needed books from his locker and then shut it. However, he was taken aback when he came face to face with Hao and Matthew who were leaning against the lockers on either side of his.

"You're Gyuvin's childhood bestfriend, aren't you?" Matthew asked even though he already knew the answer. With the amount of time the two spent together, it was obvious.

"Uhm yeah, why do you ask?" Jeonghyeon replied, feeling a bit confused about their intentions. Matthew and Hao shared a look and turned to him in unison.

"Then you probably know about Gyuvin's...nightmares." Hao said, a hint of hesitation present in his voice. Jeonghyeon looked at him in surprise. Gyuvin didn't tell him about that.

"He's getting nightmares again?!" Jeonghyeon asked in disbelief. Gyuvin always used to call him whenever he had nightmares and since they lived in the same neighborhood Jeonghyeon would dash to his house even in the middle of the night. But he didn't even bother telling him about this, and it hurt Jeonghyeon.

"Does he...not trust me anymore..?"

Looking at Jeonghyeon's reaction, Hao and Matthew understood that he knew something about it, or maybe everything.

"Yeah...we know that it's something Munhyuk did but we don't wanna ask Gyuvin. He had a panick attack yesterday." Hao explained calmly. He could tell Jeonghyeon was a bit frustrated after hearing that.

Jeonghyeon sighed, mixed feelings creeping up his heart. Memories of his childhood with Gyuvin flooded his vision.

"Stop troubling me, I'm trying to do my homework!"

"But I'm bored!"


"Say ahh..."

"Stop feeding me, I'm not a baby!"


"Why are you crying?!"

"I-I got that n-nightmare again..."

"Hey, are you okay..?" Matthew asked, bringing Jeonghyeon out of his trance. "Yeah..." He replied and quickly zipped his bag.

"Let's cut the chase. We wanna know what exactly that bastard did to Gyuvin." Hao said sternly, not ready to take 'no' for an answer.

"Alright then...meet me after classes." Jeonghyeon said to which Hao and Matthew nodded in agreement. They turned and left for their classes.

Gyuvin groaned and shifted in his bed to get comfortable. However the weight on his arm stopped him from doing so. He squinted his eyes and looked at Yujin who was snoring peacefully while tightly hugging his hand.

Gyuvin blinked in confusion and looked at the clock on the table. His eyes widened in panick when he realised the time. The classes started two hours ago.

With much difficulty, he detached Yujin from his arm and got out of the bed. Still feeling slightly sleepy, he stumbled to the bathroom to wash his face.

A shiver ran down Gyuvin's spine after his skin came in contact with cold water. He quickly brushed his teeth and grabbed a towel.

As he was drying his hands, his eyes fell on the faint cut and burn marks still present on his arms. Involuntarily, unwanted memories came rushing back making him sigh in discomfort.

"Hyung..." Gyuvin looked at a sleepy Yujin who was leaning against the door frame while mumbling something. He stumbled back in surprise when Yujin suddenly hugged him.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of him..." Yujin mumbled as he snuggled closer to Gyuvin. A chuckle escaped Gyuvin's lips as he silently listened to Yujin's mumbling which he couldn't understand.

Soon, he managed to wake Yujin up. With his stomach grumbling, he made his way to the kitchen. With much hope, Gyuvin opened the refrigerator only to be met with a few eggs, a cartoon of milk, vegetables, a pack of bread and some fruits. With a disappointed look he closed the refrigerator door and slumped down on a chair.

Now you may be wondering why he's so disappointed when he had more than enough ingredients to make a fulfilling breakfast. The thing is he can't cook. Yes, he got a job at a cafe but making smoothies and coffees are far more easier then cooking.

He can't even bake anything! Yeonjun once tried to teach him to make cupcakes once and he somehow managed to blast the oven by putting aluminium foil in there.

"Hyung, I'm hungry..." Yujin exclaimed while entering the kitchen and sitting next to Gyuvin. With a sigh, Gyuvin grabbed his phone and looked up a tutorial to make breakfast.

After watching a few tutorials, he got up and took out the necessary ingredients to make an omelette and sandwich.

Afterall, how difficult can it really be?

Jiwoong dashed through corridors in hurry. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he bumped into a few people on the way. His heart was thumping against his chest in panick.

Only one thought was lingering in his mind. "How the fuck did my dorm catch fire?!"

He soon reached his dorms and saw a few students gathered there. His face paled when he noticed smoke coming from the window.

Without any hesitation, he kicked open the door. Just in case you're wondering, he had the dorm key in his pocket.

As he rushed in there with a fire extinguisher, he was greeted with the sight of Gyuvin and Yujin sitting under the table and covering their head with a pan while what he assumed to be a piece of bread was burning on the stove.

Jiwoong quickly used the fire extinguisher and got rid of the fire. After the fire died down, he slumped to floor in relief.

His neighbouring dorm mates, Jay and Kamden rushed in and asked about them being alright. Well, if you exclude the dorm's current situation and the heart attack Jiwoong almost got, everything was alright.

Yeah, everything was alright.


Byeeee <3

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