Cafe Chaos pt.1

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"Do you have a shift at the cafe today too?" Matthew asked while walking to the entrance gate along with Gyuvin.

"Yup." Gyuvin replied as he shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them warm.

"Why is everyone busy today?" Matthew whined looking up at the sky as if questioning the God himself.

"Well, you aren't free today too, right?" Gyuvin asked looking at Matthew who looked like he was having the worst day of his life.

"I have to accompany some new club members today because they don't seem to have a single clue about music." Matthew huffed, already annoyed. Gyuvin laughed and wrapped his arm around Matthew's shoulder.

"How about you visit the cafe  when you are done? I will send you the location." Gyuvin offered making Matthew sigh in relief.

"Atleast something good happened after a bad day." Matthew said dramatically, thanking Gyuvin for the tempting offer.


Gyuvin carefully placed the strawberry pastry on the cafe's fancy plate and smiled as a thought suddenly came to his mind.

"I should take some for Ricky before going back to the dorm." He thought and his smile grew wider. Just thinking about Ricky's smile and sparkling eyes whenever he eats something strawberry flavoured makes him feel fuzzy inside.

"Gosh, I feel so single around you people." Beomgyu whined as he lazily leaned over the counter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gyuvin asked while placing the pastry and coffee on a tray and handing it to Beomgyu.

"Order number 21!" Beomgyu called out and then turned to Gyuvin.

"What I mean is Yeonjun hyung already has a boyfriend and these days you're acting as if you're in love, which leaves me..." He then pointed at himself and continued. "..a single Pringle that nobody wants. Ahhh I'm gonna die sing-" Beomgyu's whining came to an end as a gentle voice cut him off.

"Um excuse me..." Both Beomgyu and Gyuvin simultaneously looked at the good looking male infront them and time seemed to stop.

Gyuvin awkwardly stood at the side and watched as Beomgyu and the unknown man infront of them looked into eachother's eyes.

"What the fuck happened to 'i Am GoNnA dIe SiNgLe.'" Gyuvin thought and decided to move away to not be seen as a third-wheel.

Entering the kitchen, Gyuvin saw Yeonjun carefully decorating a red velvet cake.

"Wah, that looks so good." Gyuvin suddenly commented in awe making Yeonjun look up, startled.

"Gosh, you scared the hell out of me."Yeonjun said dramatically while clutching his chest making Gyuvin smile sheepishly.

"Anyways, where is Jeonghyeon? I had to do this all alone because he didn't show up!" Yeonjun said and took off his gloves after finishing the decoration.

"Detention." Gyuvin replied nonchalantly and slightly leaned on the kitchen counter.

Yeonjun shot him an unamused look. Probably because they are short on staff lately. (Park) Hanbin is sick and Jeonghyeon managed to get himself in detention. Again.

"That kid is always making trouble." Yeonjun said with a smile and grabbed a cloth to clean the counter.

Gyuvin smiled, thinking about his kinda clumsy yet responsible best friend. No words were further exchanged between the two of them as they minded their own business in comfortable silence.

"Oh, by the way Mrs. Sung's son will be here to help us today." Yeonjun said breaking the peaceful silence, as he remembered the announcement the cafe owner made earlier.

Gyuvin nodded in acknowledgement and decided to return back to the cashier counter.

"Hyung, I'm heading back to the cashier counter." Gyuvin said to which Yeonjun nodded in reply.

Getting out of the kitchen, Gyuvin was met with the unfamiliar scene of a blushing Beomgyu.

"Soooo, how did it go?" Gyuvin asked in a teasing tone.

Already getting the hint, Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Amazing, his name is Kang Taehyun."

Before Gyuvin could open his mouth to tease Beomgyu, the small bell at the cafe door rang, signaling the arrival of a customer.

However, Gyuvin's eyes widened slightly as he recognised this 'customer'.

This 'customer' seemed to recognise Gyuvin as well because he looked kinda shocked too.

Beomgyu glanced at the two back and forth before a wild thought came to his mind. "What if...he's Gyuvin's ex..?"

A loud gasp left his lips, attracting the attention of the two males in front of him.

"Uh is something wrong?" The 'customer' asked awkwardly.

"You-" Beomgyu stormed his way in front of Gyuvin protectively and continued. "-stay away from him!"

The said male looked a little panicked at that command. "I think you misunderstood something." He tried to explain.

"Yeah, you probably misunderstood something. He's my close friend." Gyuvin explained looking at Beomgyu who turned a little red in the face.

"Then what was with that reaction when you saw eachother." Beomgyu exclaimed, wishing for the ground to crack open and swallow him.

"I just didn't know Gyuvin worked here, that's all." The 'customer' explained.

"I should stop watching so much of k-dramas. It's starting to show side effects." Beomgyu thought to himself and smiled awkwardly.

"Uh sorry about that, what would you like to have?" He said, trying to change the subject and get away from the immense embarrassment he felt at he moment.

"Oh I'm not a customer." The said male informed making Beomgyu's eye twitch slightly.

"This is already embarrassing bro, don't do this to me." Beomgyu internally screeched but managed to keep his cool.

"Hyung, then why are you here?" Gyuvin questioned, curiously looking at the male infront of him.

"You know who the shop owner is, right?" The male questioned playfully.

"Ofcourse, I do it's-" Gyuvin stopped midway as realisation steeped into him "Wait a damn mInUtE-"

"Mrs. Sung is the owner and your surname is also Sung...then that could only mean one thing..." Gyuvin exclaimed with wide eyes.

Beomgyu paled slightly as he realised what Gyuvin was implying. So he not only misunderstood a random guy but the son of the owner of the cafe he's working for?!

"Yah Hanbin hyung why didn't you tell me that before?!" Gyuvin yelled, shooting himself at Hanbin and clinging to him.

"You never told me you worked here! How could I have told you then?!" Hanbin scolded playfully making Gyuvin whine.

Doomed. Beomgyu was doomed. What if Mrs. Sung came to know about this? He staggered backwards in horror but stopped when he felt someone smack his head.

"Mrs. Sung is a nice lady. Get those stupid thoughts out of your head." Yeonjun said as if he could read Beomgyu's thoughts like an open book.

"Really...?" Beomgyu asked hesitantly. He just got the job at the cafe a week ago so he had never met the owner.

"As someone who has worked here for almost two years, I assure you she wouldn't mind such a small thing." Yeonjun smiled and patted Beomgyu's head lightly in a motherly manner.


Yeah this chapter ends here 😃 I don't know what to write anymore

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