The Kicks

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"Ok class, that's all for today. Remember to do a thorough reading of this chapter again." Mr. Choi said, dismissing the class as he collected his things from the table.

"Finally! I'm so damn hungry." Jeonghyeon exclaimed as he quickly packed his stuff. "This is a free period. Maybe we can grab a snack from the cafeteria." Gyuvin suggested making Jeonghyeon's eyes sparkle.

"C'mon then let's go!" Jeonghyeon said, grabbing Gyuvin's hand and dragging him outside the classroom.

"Wait, I need to go to washroom. How about you go find a table for us?" Gyuvin said. Jeonghyeon nodded and let go of Gyuvin's.

Humming a tune to himself, Gyuvin entered the washroom without noticing someone following him. After washing his hands, he reached out to grab some tissues to dry his hands when suddenly he heard a faint 'click' behind.

Turning around, he was met with a smirking Munhyuk who slowly walked towards him. And before he knew it, he was pinned to the wall.

Gyuvin groaned in pain as his back hit the wall rather harshly. He looked around, trying to find a way to escape. And to his misfortune, he couldn't find any.

Gyuvin turned his head to look at Munhyuk who looked quite amused at his reaction. "Let go of me!" He yelled, only to receive a malicious laugh from the male infront of him.

"Getting bold now, are you?" Munhyuk said mockingly as he leaned closer to Gyuvin's neck, inhaling the faint coconut and vanilla scent.

Having no time to think, Gyuvin instinctively raised his right leg and kicked Munhyuk where the sun doesn't shine. "What the fuck?!" Munhyuk cursed out as he held his crotch and dropped to the floor in pain.

"Holy shit! Matthew hyung's tip actually worked!" Gyuvin thought as he looked at Munhyuk who now looked close to tears as he groaned in pain. With a proud smile, Gyuvin patted himself on the shoulder.

Suddenly his stomach growled, reminding him about his previous plan of going to the cafeteria. He quickly grabbed his bag and swung it around his shoulder, accidentally hitting Munhyuk in the face in the process but he could care less right now. He had an empty stomach to feed after all.

Not minding the struggling and pained male on the floor, Gyuvin made his way out of the washroom and started walking towards the cafeteria while humming to Bouncy by Ateez.


Matthew burst out laughing while Taerae immediately checked Gyuvin for any injuries and breathed a sigh of relief when he found none.

After the night that Gyuvin had a nightmare, Matthew's room basically became a 'secret' meeting and discussion room for them.
So here they are again, laughing and talking about Gyuvin's latest interaction with Munhyuk.

"You should have taken a photo!" Matthew exclaimed, receiving a smack on the head by Taerae. "Be serious for once!" He scolded Matthew like a mother.

"But-" Matthew tried to reason, only to get cut off by Taerae. "No buts Matthew. You know what that guy had done before. I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to do the same thing again."

As those words left Taerae's mouth, the atmosphere of the room suddenly dropped. That was too straightforward but still it was true. They can't be joking around about it, can they? What Munhyuk did today made Taerae worried sick for Gyuvin.

Jeonghyeon's reaction wasn't that calm too. Man almost went out to fight that guy again when he found out about it. Fortunately, Gyuvin was able to calm him down and prevent him from getting in trouble.

"You're right." Matthew said after a moment of silence. He suddenly felt bad for laughing first instead of making sure Gyuvin was alright. He could have laughed and made fun of the guy later anyways.

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