Chapter 62: Our Family is Complete

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So, our family is complete we have four kids two sons and two daughters. Rory and I are still perfectly happy. We got fixed after our daughter was born, and we named her Madeline Skye. We are going to call her Maddie.

She is so beautiful. She is a perfect mixture of Tristan and me. She is the apple of her Daddy's eye. Tristan is such a good Dad. I love to watch him bond with our kids.

He plays catch with Drew, he plays Barbie's with Bella, he plays cars with Jordan, and right now, he is just spoiling Maddie.

Tristan and I have a date night each weekend. Our parents watch the kids, and we go to dinner, the movies, to a bar, and sometimes dancing. It's nice for us to just be together and have some alone time.

Having four kids in the house between the ages of seven and four months is rough on anyone. The kids are on summer break right now, and we are so exhausted. We fix three meals a day and have four snack times.

It's nice to enjoy the time with our kids, but easier when the older three are in school. Drew will be going into second grade, Bella into Kindergarten, and Jordan preschool.

I am so glad that Tristan's job is flexible; he has been able to raise the kids, and my job with the courant is flexible. I write two articles a week. My boss tried to get me to be a travel writer. I would travel for sixteen days a month.

I politely declined and told him no more traveling for me. I have kids at home, and I need to be with them. I couldn't really tell my boss that the last time he sent me on an assignment, I got drunk and cheated on my husband.

I am just so happy Tristan forgave me for that, and we were able to work things out. The week we were separated was so hard, and I was so afraid he would never forgive me. 

The night he did that was so rough, but it showed him how sorry I was, and he felt so bad afterward. He took care of me until I was able to walk and sit without pain. It was worth the pain for the few days because it made him forgive me.

We took a test two months after I slept with Lukas, and he called and told him I wasn't pregnant. Since then, we haven't even mentioned Lukas. Tristan completely forgave me, and we are good right now, really good.

I am so happy with Tristan, he is a great husband, a great father, and he is a great man to do life with. He makes me so happy, and even tho we don't have much time with our friends because we have a house full of kids running around, we stay in touch.

We see each other at birthday parties for our kids and maybe a couple of times a year. Lane stops by when she can and sometimes Rob will stop by and have a beer with Tristan. I think that's when life is getting rough, and he needs a breather.

Everyone is still happily married. Robert and Lane have two kids, Finn and Christine have two kids, Colin and Paris just found out they were expecting, and Logan and Juliette are about three months from welcoming their second child.

Life is pretty good right now. I walk outside and sit down. I watch my husband play catch with our oldest, Drew. He is going to be a heartbreaker. He loves baseball, and Tristan hopes he can make it to the MLB. 

My grandparents named me the heiress to the Gilmore empire, and Dad wants me to take over for the Hayden law firm. I may accept that, but only so my kids have a company they can run if they choose to.

Tristan and I are dead set that our kids will not be forced into anything. They will live their lives and enjoy what they love to do. They will each be named heir or heiress over a company, but they will not have to work there.

I watch my kids playing in the yard and my husband in his shorts and tank top playing catch. This is a perfect life we were given, and I am so thankful for it.

Tristan looks at me and smiles, his sexy smirk that always turns me on, and winks. I blow him a kiss, and he finishes playing with Drew.

Once Drew is tired of playing, Tristan grabs the ball, bat, and glove and puts them into the plastic shelf. He sits down between my legs and leans back on me.

"We have a pretty perfect life, don't we, baby girl?"

"Yes, we do, and I am so thankful for our life, for you, for our kids, and for everything I have been blessed with."

All three kids run around the yard playing while Maddie is napping. Tristan and I sit and watch our family laugh and smile. Nothing could beat this moment; this is perfect.

We may not have planned to start our family as young as we did, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We are still young; we have four kids and won't be thirty until next year. By the time all of our kids graduate high school, we will be forty-seven and still have a life to live.

Here are some images of the kids:



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