Chapter 44: We Are Parents

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So, life is good, and Drew is such a good baby. He sleeps and only cries when he's hungry. We only get up twice at night. Rory is a good mother, and she is so happy.

Drew is two months old, and she is freaking out about having to return to school. I am still just amazed by my wife. She carried our beautiful son in her body, brought him into this world, and now she gives him nourishment from her body. She is a gift, and anyone who doesn't understand how amazing women truly are should be ashamed.

It's still hard for me to believe that this is our son; he is a part of both of us, and he was created by our love and passion for each other.

She got an implant that will work for three years, but we have already been discussing when we are going to plan for baby number two.

So, now we don't have to use condoms anymore, which is great because we got used to not using them while she was pregnant.

When I look at our son, I am just astounded by him. I don't know if this feeling will ever go away. I do know I will protect him and his mother with my life.

Rory was so happy at her six-week checkup. She was like we are clear to resume all normal activities. We came home, and I laid Drew down in his crib. She was standing there completely naked.

We kiss a lot while making love more than we normally did before because we have to contain our moans since he is in our room. We aren't able to moan or be loud and that's the only downfall of having our son. We have to contain ourselves now. I miss her sexy moans and how we talked to each other while making love.

It was amazing the first time we slept together since Drew was more, and I had missed making love to my wife. It was like our first time all over again. She lights a fire inside my soul I never knew existed, but the way she makes me feel is so different from my past partners.

She feeds Drew, and I do everything else. I told her that she carried him and delivered him, so I wanted to take care of both of them. The feeling I have when I hold my son is a new feeling. I just love him so much.

She is sitting on the couch relaxing while he sleeps peacefully in his bouncer in front of her. She is just watching him and smiling at him. I walk over and sit down beside her. She places her hand in mine, and we admire our son together.

"He's pretty perfect, Isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. We did good, really good."

"Yes, we did, baby girl. He wasn't planned, and we were both shocked, but now he is here, and I couldn't even imagine us not having him."

"Me either, baby. He was definitely a shock and a surprise, but now I couldn't imagine him not being here. We are a family, me, you, and our little Drew. One day, we will add more names to that list."

"Yes, we will. Right now, we are just going to focus on the one beautiful baby we currently have, and I am going to soak every memory I can with you and our son while he is little."

"You are such a softie, Mr. Dugray."

"Only with you, Mrs. Dugray. You are the only one to get the kind, sweet, caring, romantic, and soft side of me. Everyone else got the jerk, arrogant Tristan. I love you so much, Rory." He placed his hand behind her neck and kissed her a passionate kiss.

She looked starry-eyed when he released her, " I love you so much, Tristan. I am glad I am the only one to get this side of you. This sweet Tristan turns me on and makes me and makes me fall so deeply in love with you. The arrogant jerk I couldn't stand."

"Now, now, even tho you won't admit it, you know you thought I was hot, and you loved me even when I was a jerk."

"Hot, yes, sometimes, but loving you, no, I did start to have real feelings toward you when you got sent away. Now, completely head over heels smitten with you, my sexy husband. Just don't turn into that arrogant jerk you were in high school, and we will be fine."

"Never again, baby. Head over heels, huh? I like the sound of that." He smiled at her as he got that lust-filled look in his eyes.

"Tristan, we can't; he is sleeping."

"Exactly. He is sleeping we can take the monitor to the room. He is so tiny he can't fall out of that. Meaning you and I can have some real fun without him in the room. You can moan out loud, and we can talk dirty to each other. He's been asleep for how long?"

"About five minutes before you walked in here. I just fed him before you came in."

"Okay, so we have at least a good ninety minutes before he even moves."

She looked down at their son and back at her husband. "Okay, but we are laying some blankets down just in case." Tristan threw two blankets on each side of the bouncer; they ensured there was nothing around him and he would be safe.

Tristan was stripping her as they went to the room. He stripped his clothes off, and they spent the next hour and a half pleasing each other. Hard and fast, slow and sensual. He loved to hear her moans. When they finished, he jumped in the shower and washed off then went back to the living room with their son.

He just threw on a pair of boxers. Rory showered after he finished, and when she came out, she was wearing a pair of Tristan's boxers and a shirt. They cuddled up on the couch until Drew woke up.

Christina and Finn got married last month. They had a nice wedding; I was her matron of honor, and Tristan was the best man. Drew was the ring barrier, and Mom walked him down. He was so cute. Tristan had a specially-made Tux fitted for him.

They are happy and doing good. Finn loves that he is now officially Drew's uncle. They moved to Australia, and so far, they are doing good.

Colin and Paris moved in together, and Robert and Lane are still doing great. They are currently traveling the world. They are planning their wedding, which is in six months. I am so excited for Lane, and she is so happy.

Juliette and Logan are doing really well. She only has one semester to finish then she will be joining him in London. Life is great, our friends are great, and it was so nice they were all there when Drew was born.

Lane and I have been working on her wedding plans. She comes over every weekend we do wedding planning while the guys hang out and take care of Drew.

School starts back in two weeks, and we were able to work our class schedules to align perfectly. Tristan's language classes are three times a week, and he only has one class per day. So, while he is in class, I am in my free period with our son. He will take care of him the rest of the day during my classes. He will bring the breast pump by so I can pump then take it home with Drew while I finish my classes.

I don't know how well that is going to go because I miss him when I am in the shower. I hate being away from my son. I have this need to be close to him at all times.

Tristan is a really good dad, he takes care of him, and the way he looks at our son, I know he will always protect him. Who would have thought that I would be a senior in college, a wife, and a mother? Or that I would marry the Chilton playboy."

Life is good; we are happy, and that is all that matters. We have a beautiful little family, and we are planning on trying for baby number two next fall after we graduate and buy a house.

Mom and Dad are still doing good; they have been married for awhile. Dad works in Hartford and Mom still runs the Dragonfly. Life is good, and we are great. Grandma and Grandpa are both doing well.

I have lost all the baby weight, and I am back to my normal size. I was a little insecure after I had him and had loose, saggy skin. I had a small pudge, and Tristan told me to stop hiding it. I was sexy to him. That pudge and saggy skin was sexy because it had carried our son. He only helped me work out to tighten the skin because it bothered me.

Tristan is an amazing husband. He is so sweet and caring. He runs out to the store anytime I need or want anything. The other morning nothing sounded appetizing to me except some munchkins from Dunkin doughnuts. He threw his sweatpants and shirt on, then ran to Dunkin and got me munchkins. So, now let's see what our last year of school will bring.

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