Chapter 46: Almost finished

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Four Months later:

Drew is now almost seven months old. We just celebrated Christmas, and we are three weeks and two days away from Robert and Lane's wedding.

Rory was a little jealous because Robert had an engagement party for them, and then Lane had a bridal shower and Rory didn't get either of those, but she did get a baby shower.

She and Tristan have been viewing houses to buy. They just started their last semester classes this week.

Drew got so many toys and clothes for Christmas. They relaxed and watched Christmas movies and then went to his parents for Christmas Eve and her parents for Christmas Day.

Drew is gibbering and sitting up on his own. He can roll over, and he loves to splash in the tub. Rory and Tristan are enjoying this stage with him. She hates that she is missing a lot of his first year because she has so many classes. She is now the editor of the paper because Paris pissed everyone off.

Paris was upset at Rory, but they have now become friends again. I bring Drew to the newsroom in the afternoon so she can visit with him while she works.

I knew she was missing him, so I bring him now, and we stay through most of the afternoon. Leaving enough time to cook dinner so when she comes home, she can relax and eat. My classes this year have been a breeze.

I love my wife and hate that she is having to stress so much along with trying to be a good wife and mother. I am so glad we graduate in four months and then I want her to just relax at home while I work.

She was offered a position with the Hartford Courant. She has spoken to me about the offer, and I told her it was up to her if she decided to take the position. I would support her either way. I also told her I wished she would just stay at home and relax for a year since this year wasn't easy, and I know she misses spending time with Drew.

Summer has left me alone for the most part. I do see her watching me. I have noticed her watching Rory with our son. I saw Lukas talking to her the other day. He had a crush on Rory when we first got together.

I just hope they get together and leave me and my wife alone. I mean people who don't understand we are married, and we have a son. Why would anyone even want to destroy our family?

No matter what, I only have eyes for Rory, and she only has eyes for me. We are still madly in love. We have been married for a year we have a son. Life is pretty great, and I am a very happy man.

We decided to just relax at home for Spring break this year. We are going to spend time with our little man. He is growing up so fast. Lorelai and Mom both tried to get him for spring break so we could take a little trip, and I told them both that we wanted to spend the time together as a family.

Rory and Lane have been planning her wedding since they got engaged. Every weekend, they come over, and she and Lane discuss and work on wedding details. Robert is so excited that he and Lane will finally be married.

Juliette finished her last semester and graduated in December. She has moved to London with Logan. He is attending the wedding even tho Mitchum tried to keep him in London.

Christina announced her pregnancy at Christmas. She and Finn are expecting a baby right around Drew's birthday.

I can't believe how big he is getting and how fast he is growing. He has three teeth and another one cutting through. We had a rough time when he was teething; he was fussy. He started biting Rory, so she stopped breastfeeding him.

She pumps the breastmilk now, and he will continue for another three or four months. Then, we will switch him to regular milk. He loves his sippy cup sometimes; she will pump fresh milk, and we will give him his sippy cup instead of a bottle.

Truly, Madly, DeeplyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon