Chapter 1: Off to Yale

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Rory's POV:

So, freshman year at Yale is going to be so scary. I don't know why I didn't go to Harvard. I had always planned to go to Harvard.

Thank God I am finished with High School and all the drama. College is going to be so much better. It's a fresh start, and I am so excited to start my life. 

Dean married Lindsey, and they are still living in Stars Hollow. I spent the entire summer with Mom as we backpacked across foreign countries and spent the night in hostels.

I am so glad to be back home; that trip was stressful. It was nice for me and Mom to just spend time together.

So, I am on my way to live at Yale. Mom borrowed Luke's truck, and she can't figure out how to drive it. She loves driving him crazy tho, and it's so funny to watch.

So, I am making my first drive from my Safe Haven in Stars Hollow to college, where I will spend the next four years.

I arrive on campus and get checked in. Mom is acting all goofy, and then we find out we were supposed to have them move the mattress, and Mom is freaking out about that. She is nervous. I know she is, but she's trying to hide it.

I find my room, and there is a PG and RG on the door, so I'm guessing this is my room. My roommate hasn't made it yet.

We get everything unloaded, and Mom is helping me get it set up. I sit around and look at my room. This young girl comes in and sits down. She is young; she should still be in high school, but she doesn't talk; she just looks around.

Mom decides to make another trip to the store and get more stuff which I don't need. Then, all of a sudden, my worst nightmare comes true when Paris Gellar walks into my dorm room. She is my roommate.

This can't be; she tormented me all the way through high school. So, this is going to be a rough year. She comes in, takes over, moves my stuff and takes the bed she wants. 

Mom has left, but then I feel so lonely, and I call her up. She comes back, and we spend the rest of the night ordering from every restaurant that delivers. Paris, Tana, and Janet my suite mates they love my mom.

It's nice being here with my mom, but I am an adult. I graduated from Chilton I was the Valedictorian. I need to do this on my own. This is my time to make my own way and live my own life.

One week later:

School is going well. I have gotten all my classes, and I am starting at the Yale Daily News. Paris isn't driving me completely crazy yet.

Mom and I talk every day, and I go to my grandparents every Friday for dinner since they are paying for Yale. This was a deal I made with them, not Mom.

College is so different from High school. I eat in the dining hall. We have to make these stupid hats made out of newspapers and wear them around.

We look so stupid, and Doyle is kind of ridiculous. Paris disappeared because she is seeing a professor and trying to hide it from me.

Tristan's POV:

I was finally able to come back home to Connecticut. I was sent to North Carolina to a Military school my Junior year when I got in some trouble.

I definitely shaped up at that school. I was so happy when I graduated. It was horrible I didn't come home on summer breaks because we didn't get summer breaks.

It is so nice to be back home; my grandpa is doing okay. He was in the hospital during my Sophomore year at Chilton. We thought we were going to lose him then, and he got better. He is still running his company, and I am expected to work at the family business.

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