Chapter 21: Our First Christmas

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Tristan and I packed for our Christmas trip to Stars Hollow. We are staying the night at his parents, and then tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, we are heading to stay the night with Mom.

She and Dad have been together for a couple of months and seem to be doing okay. This will be mine and Tristan's first Christmas as a couple.

Poor Tristan has no idea what he is in store with Mom. Neither does Dad; we have to wear Christmas pajamas and watch The Grinch tonight, and then she wakes up before the sun even comes up to open presents.

Tristan carries our bags to the car, and I lock the door. He has my door opened before I get there. He is so sexy as he stands there waiting for me. He kisses me when I get to the car and then helps me in.

I swear, every day, I love him more. We get along great, and the only time we have had an argument was when I wanted to get a tattoo. He was dead set that I wasn't going to get a tattoo. He told me if I did, then he would leave.

I was a little buzzed, and then we had some amazing makeup sex. I am actually glad he stopped me because I didn't really want a tattoo.

Tristan is his sweet, loveable self, but that night, he actually raised his voice to me. I was so mad because I wanted a rose on my ass. He was serious that if I got the tattoo, we were done. He told me about the tattoo on his arm he got when he was drunk and how he regretted it, and he said he wasn't going to let me do that.

We make our way to Hartford, and he is holding my hand the entire drive. Since that night, he has been very careful about how he says things. I wish he would just get over it. I did.

We pull up at his parents, and he opens my door for me. I step out and push him back against the car.

"What are you doing, Rory?"

"Tristan, I need you to quit walking around on eggshells. You have been since our fight. I know you didn't like talking to me like that, but I was being stupid, and I am glad you did. So, please be my Tristan again."

"Yes, Rory, I was mean that night, and I have felt so bad for it. Baby, I have always been your Tristan since the moment I first saw you. I'm sorry for how I have been acting. I will do better. I just love you so damn much."

"Well, good because I feel the same way. Now, let's get inside, say our hellos, then go to your room and unpack. I need a little extra attention down south."

Tristan smiled as he leaned in to kiss me; his lips were almost touching mine, and when he spoke, I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Oh, baby, I want you so bad right now. I am going to give you all of me." We walked in; he hugged his mother and shook his father's hand. Both his parents hugged me, and we excused ourselves to take our stuff upstairs.

The minute the door shut, he locked it and lifted me up. He carried me to his bed, and we spent the next hour lost in our own little world.

We went down for dinner after we cleaned ourselves up. It was a nice dinner; his sister wouldn't be home until tomorrow. After dinner, we went to bed and made love for most of the night. We fell asleep and cuddled in each other's arms.

The next day, we woke up and had breakfast. Tristan and I helped his mom cook dinner. She had given her staff the next two days off.

That afternoon, we ate dinner. Then we opened presents. His parents got me a bracelet, a purse, and a new coat. We helped his mom clean up, and then we grabbed our stuff. We hugged them and made our way to Stars Hollow.

Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch when we arrived. They both hugged me, and Mom hugged Tristan; Dad shook his hand. Mom gave us our Presents to open that night, and they were Christmas pajamas.

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