Chapter 6: Changes are in the air

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They have both returned to Yale two months ago. School is in full force; they each have new classes, and changes are happening all around them.

Rory is excited about all the new classes she will be taking this semester. Tristan is just laid back. The class they had together had ended, and he didn't have any classes with her this time.

They still made time for each other; they would meet for coffee and sometimes meals. She would come to his room a couple of times a week, and they went to the pub at least once every week.

She sent him a text earlier asking if she could come over after she finished at the paper and talk to him. He responded with, of course, I will see you then.

He went to his room after his last class, and he straightened the room up. It was clean, but he just wanted to make sure. He vacuumed and sprayed some febreeze just to ensure it smelled nice. He lit a few candles and ordered them some takeout.

Dinner had just been delivered, and he sat the paper plates out and their drinks. When she knocked, he opened the door and smiled. She smiled and walked in.

"Hey, Tristan. Oh, you ordered dinner?"

"Of course, I ordered dinner for us. I ordered all your favorite Chinese dishes. Please, sit down and dig in."

She sat down and dished out the different dishes. "This smells so good, Tristan. Thank you, um, can we talk?"

"Why don't we eat first, and then we can talk after."

"Yeah, that will be fine." They ate dinner, and he asked about her new classes and could see she was nervous. He was a little scared about why she wanted to talk to him. When they were both stuffed and finished, Tristan cleaned up and put the leftovers in the fridge.

"So, Rory, you have my full attention. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, Tristan, We have been friends for almost six months. You have been so sweet, and you have been a perfect gentleman. Letting me stay over and even sleeping in the same bed. You have been a great friend. I think I am ready to take the next step."

He smiled, "So, you are finally ready to accept a date. Great, let's go out tomorrow night. Dress nice because it is a nice restaurant."

"Not just a date, Tristan. I am ready to change our relationship."

He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Oh, ok, well, let me first start by saying how happy this makes me. Second, let me ask you a very important question. Rory Gilmore, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Tristan, I will be your girlfriend." He smiled and jumped up. He pulled her up and kissed her. A sweet but passionate kiss.

"Do you know how long I have waited to hear those words come from your sweet, luscious lips? You have made me so happy. We are still going out tomorrow to celebrate our new relationship status."

"Okay, boyfriend, a date sounds great." He hugged her and kept her in his arms. They sat down and decided to watch a movie. Tristan couldn't stop smiling.

He walked her back to her dorm room; he tucked her hair behind her ear, brushed his finger along her cheek, and leaned in and kissed her.

"Good night, Mary. Sweet dreams, I will see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Tristan. Can't wait, and sweet dreams to you as well." She walked into her room, and he walked back to his. 

The next night, they had spent their free time together today, and he had gone to his room to dress for their first official date tonight. He looked in his mirror as he stood in his three-piece suit and tie.

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