Chapter 38: Visit to Stars Hollow

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"Baby, why are we in Stars Hollow?"

"I figured you would prefer to tell your mom first and in person. So, I drove here." They passed Dean as he was working with Tom. He stopped and watched them as they drove down the road. Rory looked at Tristan when she saw Dean watching them.

They pulled up at her parent's house, and he opened the door for Rory. She walked in and yelled. "Mom, Dad."

"Hey, sweets, what are you doing here?" Lorelai said as she came downstairs.

"Um, Mom, did we interrupt something?"

"Yeah, me cleaning out my closet to make more room for your Dad's clothes."

"Is Dad here?"

"Yes, Chris, sweetie, come down; our daughter is here with our son-in-law." Chris came down, hey, kiddo, hey Tristan."

"Okay, so Tristan and I just left the doctor. Well, actually, we just left the baby store and ate, but we had an appointment today. We found out what we are having."

"Oh, that was today. Oh, this is exciting. I say it's a girl," Lorelai said.

"I say it's a boy," Chris said.

"Well, one of you is right. Mom, Dad, we are having a precious baby."

"Boy," they both said excitedly.

Lorelai was shocked, "A boy, we don't know anything about boys."

"Mom, I am excited we went and bought some cute little things for our son. They are so tiny, and tonight, we are going to start discussing names for our son."

"Congratulations, Kid, that is great news. I will have a grandson. Wow, I am going to be a grandpa."

They visited for a little bit, then walked to Lane's house. Babette and Miss Patty saw them walking and ran over to talk to Rory.

"Hey, Suga, hey there, her handsome husband."

"Hey, Babette."

"So, how is the baby coming along? It's so cute to see your stomach all growing. Hey there, cutie." Tristan stepped behind Rory and held his hands over their baby.

"Hey, Miss Patty and the baby is doing fine; we just found out what we are having. I am on my way to tell Lane."

"Really, what are you having?"

Rory smiled up at Tristan, "We are having a precious baby, boy."

"Oh, I hope he looks like his handsome Daddy here," Miss Patty said as she smiled at Tristan.

"See, I hope he looks like his beautiful Mommy," Tristan said.

"I hope he looks like you, my handsome husband."

"Still in that honeymoon phase. So, sweet, no matter what, with parents like you two, that baby boy is going to be very handsome. You two are so cute together, such a beautiful couple."

"Thanks, Babette. Well, we are going to go see Lane. We will see you ladies later." They waved and walked off.

Lindsey was walking down the street, pushing a stroller. "Hey, Rory and Tristan. Wow, Rory, you popped since we saw you last time. You have that pregnancy glow or a glow from your husband here. He is still all over you. Married life must be treating you two good."

"It's probably a little of both, but yes, married life is very good. I am very happy."

"We are very happy, baby girl. Married life has been great, and it is only going to get better."

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