Chapter 30: Wedding planning

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Rory had finally gotten an appointment with her gynecologist, and today is the day. We will finally have an actual due date of when our baby is expected.

It has been two weeks since we found out she was pregnant. We got the invitations printed and mailed out three days after talking with both of our families.

She has been able to eat more. Her doctor gave her a prescription for anti-nausea meds with the prenatal vitamins. So I got them for her, and she is finally eating better.

She told Paris and Lane about the baby, but we haven't really told a lot of people. Logan walked up the other day when I was rubbing her stomach and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Logan?"

"Um, is there something I should know?"

"No, she just isn't feeling well, so sometimes, if I rub her stomach, it helps with the nausea."

"Rory, what did the doctor say when you went?"

"He wrote me a couple of prescriptions, but the anti-nausea makes me really sleepy, so I can't take it while at school."

"You still look pretty pale, and it's been over two weeks since you got sick. Tristan, I think we need to talk privately for a minute."

"Okay, I will be right back. I think I need to tell him because he is already thinking about it, that's why he wants to talk to me. Can I tell him, babe?"

"Yeah, go ahead, just tell him not to tell everyone." He kissed her and walked to Logan.

"Tristan, I think she might be pregnant. I think you need to buy some tests and have her take them. What the fuck are going to do if she is pregnant? You still have almost two years left."

"I don't need to have her take any tests, Logan. We already know that she is pregnant. We have moved our wedding date up; we are getting married in four weeks."

"What? Are you serious? You knocked her up, and now you are marrying her before you even graduate?"

"Yes, I am serious. We were already engaged when she got pregnant. We were both there when it happened. We were taking precautions except in the shower."

"So, she wasn't even on birth control? Are you sure she is really pregnant and not just making it up to get married faster?"

"Logan, are you kidding me? Yes, she was on birth control, which she had been on for the last five years. Her doctor said her body may have become immune to it. So, for future reference, don't just go by the girl being on birth control. No, she isn't making it up. The day she found out, she burst into tears and told me she was sorry. I have seen her throwing up, so she isn't just acting. We told her parents and grandparents her family was mad; mine just said congratulations and wrote us a check for the wedding."

"I just don't want you getting hurt and used. Yeah, I'm gonna double wrap that shit just to be sure. I'm sure they were. Emily and Richard were probably pissed. I'm not surprised your dad has always been cool. Mitchum would have shit a brick if this happened to me."

"I was the one that wanted to move the wedding date up, not her. I would prefer for us to be married before our baby is born, and she has an appointment in three days; we will find out the due date. So, you will be getting a wedding invitation in the next few days, as will Uncle Mitchum and Aunt Shira. Tell them not to go cheap on our wedding gift." He laughed.

"Well, I will be there, and you know they will as well. Just to see who you are marrying. I will tell them, but you know as well as I do Shira will try to get the most expensive gift."

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